The simplest form of select statement has the following general syntax:
select [distinct] expression {, expression} from tablename [corr_name] {, tablename [corr_name]} [where search_condition];
(1) Find aid values and names of agents that are based in New York. SQL> select aid, aname from agents where city = 'New York'; AID ANAME --- ------------- a01 Smith a04 Gray
(2) Print all rows in Customers table. SQL> select * from customers; CID CNAME CITY DISCNT ---- ------------- -------------------- ---------- c001 Tiptop Duluth 10 c002 Basics Dallas 12 c003 Allied Dallas 8 c004 ACME Duluth 8 c006 ACME Kyoto 0
(3) Get pid values for parts for which orders have been placed. Eliminate duplicate answers. SQL> select distinct pid from orders; PID --- p01 p02 p03 ... ... 7 rows selected.
(4) String Comparisons: Get customers whose name begin with letter "A". SQL> select * from customers where cname like 'A%'; CID CNAME CITY DISCNT ---- ------------- -------------------- ---------- c003 Allied Dallas 8 c004 ACME Duluth 8 c006 ACME Kyoto 0 Underscore(_) : wildcard for any single character Percent(%) : wildcard for any sequence of zero or more characters.
(5) Get cname, aname pairs such that the customer has placed an order through the agent. SQL> select distinct cname, aname from customers, orders, agents where customers.cid = orders.cid and orders.aid = agents.aid; CNAME ANAME ------------- ------------- ACME Brown ACME Smith ... ... 10 rows selected.
(6) For each order, get ordno, cid, aid, pid values along with profit made on that order. Profit is calculated by selling price minus customer discount and agent commission. SQL> select ordno, x.cid, x.aid,, .40*(x.qty*p.price) - .01*(c.discnt+a.percent)*(x.qty*p.price) profit from orders x, customers c, agents a, products p where c.cid = x.cid and a.aid = x.aid and =;
ORDNO CID AID PID PROFIT ---------- ---- --- --- ---------- 1011 c001 a01 p01 120 1012 c001 a01 p01 120 1019 c001 a02 p02 48 1025 c001 a05 p07 200 1017 c001 a06 p03 150 ... ... 16 rows selected.
(7) Get all pairs of cids for customers based in the same city. SQL> select c1.cid, c2.cid from customers c1, customers c2 where = and c1.cid < c2.cid; CID CID ---- ---- c002 c003 c001 c004
(8) Get pid values for products that have been ordered by at least two customers. SQL> select distinct from orders x1, orders x2 where = and x1.cid < x2.cid; PID --- p01 p03 p05 p07
(9) Get cid values for customers who order a product for which an order is placed by agent "a06". SQL> select distinct y.cid from orders x, orders y where = and x.aid = 'a06'; CID ---- c001 c002 c004 c006
(10) Get cid values of customers whose discount is between 5 and 10. SQL> select cid from customers where discnt between 5 and 10; CID ---- c001 c003 c004