drop table customers; create table customers ( cid char(4) not null, cname varchar(13), city varchar(20), discnt real check(discnt >= 0.0 and discnt <= 15.0), primary key (cid)); drop table agents; create table agents ( aid char(3) not null, aname varchar(13), city varchar(20), percent number(6) check(percent >= 0 and percent <= 100), primary key (aid));
drop table products; create table products ( pid char(3) not null, pname varchar(13), city varchar(20), quantity number(10) check(quantity > 0), price real check(price > 0.0), primary key (pid));
drop table orders; create table orders ( ordno number(6) not null, month char(3), cid char(4) not null, aid char(3) not null, pid char(3) not null, qty number(6) not null check(qty > 0), dollars float default 0.0 check(dollars >= 0.0), primary key (ordno), foreign key (cid) references customers, foreign key (aid) references agents, foreign key (pid) references products);