var ReactTestUtils = React.addons.TestUtils; var expect = chai.expect; var ReactableTestUtils = { resetTestEnvironment: function() { ReactDOM.unmountComponentAtNode($('div#test-node')[0]); $('div#test-node').remove(); }, // Expect the row specified to have the specified class expectRowClass: function(rowIndex, className) { var row = $($('#table tbody.reactable-data tr')[rowIndex]); expect(row).to.have.class(className); }, // Expect the columns of a the data row specified to have the values in the array as their text values expectRowText: function(rowIndex, textArray) { var row = $($('#table tbody.reactable-data tr')[rowIndex]).find('td'); expect(row.length).to.equal(textArray.length); for (var i = 0; i < row.length; i++) { expect($(row[i])).to.have.text(textArray[i]); } }, testNode: function() { var testNode = $('
').attr('id', 'test-node'); $('body').append(testNode); testNode.empty(); return testNode[0]; } }; describe('Reactable', function() { describe("with null children", function(){ before(function () { ReactDOM.render( {null} {null} {null} , ReactableTestUtils.testNode() ); }); after(ReactableTestUtils.resetTestEnvironment); it('renders the table', function() { expect($('table#table.table')).to.exist; }); }); describe('directly passing a data array', function() { before(function() { ReactDOM.render( , ReactableTestUtils.testNode() ); }); after(ReactableTestUtils.resetTestEnvironment); it('renders the table', function() { expect($('table#table.table')).to.exist; }); it('renders the column headers in the table', function() { var headers = []; $('thead th').each(function() { headers.push($(this).text()); }); expect(headers).to.eql([ 'Name', 'Age', 'Position']); }); it('renders the first row with the correct data', function() { ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(0, ['Griffin Smith', '18', '']); }); it('renders the second row with the correct data', function() { ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(1, ['Lee Salminen', '23', '']); }); it('renders the third row with the correct data', function() { ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(2, ['', '28', 'Developer']); }); it('handles null values', function() { ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(3, ['Leonor Hyatt', '', '']); }); }); describe('adding s to the ', function() { before(function() { ReactDOM.render( , ReactableTestUtils.testNode() ); }); after(ReactableTestUtils.resetTestEnvironment); it('renders the table', function() { expect($('table#table.table')).to.exist; }); it('renders the column headers in the table', function() { var headers = []; $('thead th').each(function() { headers.push($(this).text()); }); expect(headers).to.eql([ 'Name', 'Age', 'Position' ]); }); it('renders the first row with the correct data', function() { ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(0, ['Griffin Smith', '18', '']); }); it('renders the second row with the correct data', function() { ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(1, ['Lee Salminen', '23', '']); }); it('renders the third row with the correct data', function() { ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(2, ['', '28', 'Developer']); }); }); describe('adding s', function() { context('with only one s', function(){ before(function() { ReactDOM.render( Griffin Smith 18 {null} Developer 28 , ReactableTestUtils.testNode() ); }); after(ReactableTestUtils.resetTestEnvironment); it('renders the table', function() { expect($('table#table.table')).to.exist; }); it('renders the column headers in the table', function() { var headers = []; $('thead th').each(function() { headers.push($(this).text()); }); expect(headers).to.eql([ 'Name', 'Age', 'Position' ]); }); it('renders the first row with the correct data', function() { ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(0, ['Griffin Smith', '18', '']); }); it('renders the second row with the correct data', function() { ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(1, ['', '28', 'Developer']); }); }); context("when one of the ', function() { before(function() { ReactDOM.render( , ReactableTestUtils.testNode() ); }); after(ReactableTestUtils.resetTestEnvironment); it('renders the table', function() { expect($('#table')).to.exist; }); it('renders the regular data rows', function() { ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(0, ['Griffin Smith', '18', '']); ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(1, ['Lee Salminen', '23', '']); ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(2, ['', '28', 'Developer']); }); it('renders the tfoot', function() { expect($('#tfoot')).to.exist; }); it('renders the children of the tfoot', function() { expect($('#tfoot-stuff')).to.exist; }); context('when sorting', function() { before(function() {$('th')[0]); }); it('leaves the tfoot alone', function() { expect($('table :last-child')).to.match('tfoot'); }); }); context('when filtering', function() { before(function() { var $filter = $('.reactable-filter-input'); $filter.val('griffin'); ReactTestUtils.Simulate.keyUp($filter[0]); }); it('adds the filterClassName to the filterer', function() { expect($('.reactable-filter-input').hasClass('new-class')).to.eq(true) }); it('leaves the tfoot alone', function() { expect($('table :last-child')).to.match('tfoot'); }); }); }); describe('passing through HTML props', function() { describe('adding s with className to the
s to the
', function() { before(function() { ReactDOM.render( Griffin Smith Lee Salminen Ian Zhang , ReactableTestUtils.testNode() ); }); after(ReactableTestUtils.resetTestEnvironment); it('renders the table', function() { expect($('table#table.table')).to.exist; }); it('renders the column headers in the table', function() { var headers = []; $('thead th').each(function() { headers.push($(this).text()); }); expect(headers).to.eql(['Name']); }); it('renders the first row with the correct data', function() { ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(0, ['Griffin Smith']); }); it('renders the second row with the correct data', function() { ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(1, ['Lee Salminen']); }); it('renders the third row with the correct data', function() { ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(2, ['Ian Zhang']); }); }); context('with multiple s', function () { context('with plain text', function() { before(function() { ReactDOM.render( Griffin Smith 18 Lee Salminen 23 Developer 28 , ReactableTestUtils.testNode() ); }); after(ReactableTestUtils.resetTestEnvironment); it('renders the table', function() { expect($('table#table.table')).to.exist; }); it('renders the column headers in the table', function() { var headers = []; $('thead th').each(function() { headers.push($(this).text()); }); expect(headers).to.eql([ 'Name', 'Age', 'Position' ]); }); it('renders the first row with the correct data', function() { ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(0, ['Griffin Smith', '18', '']); }); it('renders the second row with the correct data', function() { ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(1, ['Lee Salminen', '23', '']); }); it('renders the third row with the correct data', function() { ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(2, ['', '28', 'Developer']); }); }); }); context('with React.DOM nodes inside', function() { before(function() { ReactDOM.render( Griffin Smith 18 Lee Salminen 23 Developer 28 , ReactableTestUtils.testNode() ); }); after(ReactableTestUtils.resetTestEnvironment); it('renders the table', function() { expect($('table#table.table')).to.exist; }); it('renders the column headers in the table', function() { var headers = []; $('thead th').each(function() { headers.push($(this).text()); }); expect(headers).to.eql([ 'Name', 'Age', 'Position' ]); }); it('renders the first row with the correct data', function() { ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(0, ['Griffin Smith', '18', '']); }); it('renders the second row with the correct data', function() { ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(1, ['Lee Salminen', '23', '']); }); it('renders the third row with the correct data', function() { ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(2, ['', '28', 'Developer']); }); }); context('with null s', function(){ before(function() { ReactDOM.render( Griffin Smith {null} Lee Salminen 23 Developer 28 , ReactableTestUtils.testNode() ); }); after(ReactableTestUtils.resetTestEnvironment); it('renders the table', function() { expect($('table#table.table')).to.exist; }); it('renders the column headers in the table', function() { var headers = []; $('thead th').each(function() { headers.push($(this).text()); }); expect(headers).to.eql([ 'Name', 'Age', 'Position' ]); }); it('renders the first row with the correct data', function() { ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(0, ['Griffin Smith', '', '']); }); it('renders the second row with the correct data', function() { ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(1, ['Lee Salminen', '23', '']); }); it('renders the third row with the correct data', function() { ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(2, ['', '28', 'Developer']); }); }); context('with null
s is null", function(){ before(function () { ReactDOM.render( Test {null} , ReactableTestUtils.testNode() ); }); after(ReactableTestUtils.resetTestEnvironment); it('renders the table', function() { expect($('table#table.table')).to.exist; }); }); }); describe('Adding a
', function() { before(function() { ReactDOM.render( , ReactableTestUtils.testNode() ); }); after(ReactableTestUtils.resetTestEnvironment); it('renders the table', function() { expect($('table#table.table')).to.exist; }); it('renders the column headers in the table', function() { var headers = []; $('thead th').each(function() { headers.push($(this).text()); }); expect(headers).to.eql([ 'Name', 'Age', 'Position' ]); }); it('renders the first row with the correct class name', function() { ReactableTestUtils.expectRowClass(0, 'rowClass1'); }); it('renders the second row with the correct class name', function() { ReactableTestUtils.expectRowClass(1, 'rowClass2'); }); it('renders the third row with the correct class name', function() { ReactableTestUtils.expectRowClass(2, 'rowClass3'); }); }); describe('adding
s with classNames to the ', function() { before(function () { ReactDOM.render( Griffin Smith 18 Lee Salminen 23 Developer 28 , ReactableTestUtils.testNode() ); }); after(ReactableTestUtils.resetTestEnvironment); it('renders the first column with the correct class name', function() { expect($('')).to.have.text('Griffin Smith'); }); it('renders the second column with the correct class name', function() { expect($('')).to.have.text('Lee Salminen'); }); it('renders the third column with the correct class name', function() { expect($('td.position')).to.have.text('Developer'); }); }); }); describe('adding
with style to the ', function() { before(function () { var tdStyle = {width:"100px"}; ReactDOM.render( Griffin Smith 18 , ReactableTestUtils.testNode() ); }); after(ReactableTestUtils.resetTestEnvironment); it('renders the first column with the width', function() { expect($('')).to.have.attr('style').match(/width/); }); }); describe('specifying an array of columns', function() { describe('as strings', function() { before(function() { ReactDOM.render( , ReactableTestUtils.testNode() ); }); after(ReactableTestUtils.resetTestEnvironment); it('omits columns not in the list', function() { var columns = $('tr.reactable-column-header th'); expect(columns.length).to.equal(2); expect($(columns[0])).to.have.text('Name'); expect($(columns[1])).to.have.text('Age'); }); it('adds class name for each column base on its label', function() { var columns = $('tr.reactable-column-header th'); expect($(columns[0])).to.have.class('reactable-th-name'); expect($(columns[1])).to.have.class('reactable-th-age'); }); }); describe('as objects', function() { before(function() { ReactDOM.render( , ReactableTestUtils.testNode() ); }); after(ReactableTestUtils.resetTestEnvironment); it('omits columns not in the list', function() { var columns = $('tr.reactable-column-header th'); expect(columns.length).to.equal(2); }); it('allows changing the labels of the columns', function() { var columns = $('tr.reactable-column-header th'); expect($(columns[0])).to.have.text('Name'); expect($(columns[1])).to.have.text('Age'); }); it('adds class name for each column base on its key', function() { var columns = $('tr.reactable-column-header th'); expect($(columns[0])).to.have.class('reactable-th-name'); expect($(columns[1])).to.have.class('reactable-th-age'); }); }); }); describe('specifying columns using a ', function() { describe('and an element for the column title', function() { before(function() { ReactDOM.render( Griffin Smith'), Age: '18'}, { Age: '28', Position: Reactable.unsafe('Developer')}, { Age: '23', Name: Reactable.unsafe('Lee Salminen')}, ]}> name , ReactableTestUtils.testNode() ); }); after(ReactableTestUtils.resetTestEnvironment); it('renders only the columns in the Thead', function() { expect($('#table tbody tr:first td')).to.exist; expect($('#table thead tr:first th')).to.exist; }); it('renders the contents of the Th', function() { expect($('#table>thead>tr>th>strong')).to.exist; }); it('passes through the properties of the Th', function() { expect($('#table>thead>tr>th'))'my-name') }); }); describe('and a string for the column title', function() { before(function() { ReactDOM.render( Griffin Smith'), Age: '18'}, { Age: '28', Position: Reactable.unsafe('Developer')}, { Age: '23', Name: Reactable.unsafe('Lee Salminen')}, ]}> name , ReactableTestUtils.testNode() ); }); after(ReactableTestUtils.resetTestEnvironment); it('renders only the columns in the Thead', function() { expect($('#table tbody tr:first td')).to.exist; expect($('#table thead tr:first th')).to.exist; }); it('renders the contents of the Th', function() { expect($('#table>thead>tr>th')).to.exist; }); it('passes through the properties of the Th', function() { expect($('#table>thead>tr>th'))'my-name') }); }) }); describe('table headers', function() { describe("with hideTableHeader prop on
", function() { before(function () { ReactDOM.render( , ReactableTestUtils.testNode() ); }); after(ReactableTestUtils.resetTestEnvironment); it('renders the table', function() { expect($('table#table.table')).to.exist; }); it('renders the first row with the correct data', function() { ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(0, ['Griffin Smith', '18', '']); }); it('renders the second row with the correct data', function() { ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(1, ['Lee Salminen', '23', '']); }); it('renders the third row with the correct data', function() { ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(2, ['', '28', 'Developer']); }); it('does not show a ', function() { expect($('#table thead')); }); }); }); describe('unsafe() strings', function() { context('in the
directly', function() { before(function() { ReactDOM.render( Griffin Smith'), Age: '18'}, { Age: '28', Position: Reactable.unsafe('Developer')}, { Age: '23', Name: Reactable.unsafe('Lee Salminen')}, ]} sortable={['Name']}/>, ReactableTestUtils.testNode() ); }); after(ReactableTestUtils.resetTestEnvironment); it('renders the HTML in the table cells', function() { var griffins_name = $('span#griffins-name'); expect(griffins_name.length).to.equal(1); expect(griffins_name).to.have.text('Griffin Smith'); var lees_name = $('span#lees-name'); expect(lees_name.length).to.equal(1); expect(lees_name).to.have.text('Lee Salminen'); var who_knows_job = $('span#who-knows-job'); expect(who_knows_job.length).to.equal(1); expect(who_knows_job).to.have.text('Developer'); }); it('still allows sorting', function() { var nameHeader = $('#table thead tr.reactable-column-header th')[0];; ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(0, ['28', 'Developer', '']); ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(1, ['18', '', 'Griffin Smith']); ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(2, ['23', '', 'Lee Salminen']); }); }); context('in column labels', function() { before(function() { ReactDOM.render( Name') }, { key: 'Age', label: Reactable.unsafe('Age') }, { key: 'Position', label: Reactable.unsafe('Position') } ]} />, ReactableTestUtils.testNode() ); }); after(ReactableTestUtils.resetTestEnvironment); it('renders the HTML in the column headers', function() { var headers = []; $('thead th').each(function() { headers.push($(this).html()); }); expect(headers).to.eql([ 'Name', 'Age', 'Position' ]); }); }); context('in the s', function() { before(function() { ReactDOM.render( Griffin Smith'), Age: '18'}} /> Lee Salminen')}} /> Developer')}} /> , ReactableTestUtils.testNode() ); }); after(ReactableTestUtils.resetTestEnvironment); it('renders the HTML in the table cells', function() { var griffins_name = $('span#griffins-name'); expect(griffins_name.length).to.equal(1); expect(griffins_name).to.have.text('Griffin Smith'); var lees_name = $('span#lees-name'); expect(lees_name.length).to.equal(1); expect(lees_name).to.have.text('Lee Salminen'); var who_knows_job = $('span#who-knows-job'); expect(who_knows_job.length).to.equal(1); expect(who_knows_job).to.have.text('Developer'); }); }); context('in the s', () => { before(function() { this.component = ReactDOM.render( , ReactableTestUtils.testNode() ); }); after(ReactableTestUtils.resetTestEnvironment); it('shows the "no data" message', () => { var $text = $('.reactable-no-data').text(); expect($text).to.eq('No matching records found.'); }); }); context('when filtered without any matches', () => { before(function() { this.component = ReactDOM.render( New York this is some text new New Mexico lorem ipsum old Colorado new description that shouldnt match filter old Alaska bacon renewed , ReactableTestUtils.testNode() ); }); after(ReactableTestUtils.resetTestEnvironment) it('shows the "no data" message', () => { var text = $('.reactable-no-data').text(); expect(text).to.eq('No matching records found.'); }); }); context('when initialized with an empty array for `data` prop', () => { before(function() { this.component = ReactDOM.render( , ReactableTestUtils.testNode() ); }); after(ReactableTestUtils.resetTestEnvironment); it('shows the "no data" message', () => { var $text = $('.reactable-no-data').text(); expect($text).to.eq('No matching records found.'); }); }); }) describe('receive props with no currentPage', () => { let parent; before(function () { //create a wrapper component so we can update its state and trigger componentWillReceiveProps in the table var TestParent = React.createFactory(React.createClass({ render() { return ( Griffin Smith ); } })); parent = ReactDOM.render(TestParent(), ReactableTestUtils.testNode()); }); after(ReactableTestUtils.resetTestEnvironment); it('keeps the same currentPage and does not set it to undefined', function() { const preUpdateCurrentPage = parent.refs.table.state.currentPage; parent.setState({testState: "this state update will trigger componentWillReceiveProps in the Reactable.Table"}); const postUpdateCurrentPage = parent.refs.table.state.currentPage; expect(postUpdateCurrentPage).to.not.eq(undefined); expect(postUpdateCurrentPage).to.eq(preUpdateCurrentPage); }); }); });
s', function() { before(function() { ReactDOM.render( {Reactable.unsafe('Griffin Smith')} 18 {Reactable.unsafe('Lee Salminen')} 23 {Reactable.unsafe('Developer')} 28 , ReactableTestUtils.testNode() ); }); after(ReactableTestUtils.resetTestEnvironment); it('renders the HTML in the table cells', function() { var griffins_name = $('span#griffins-name'); expect(griffins_name.length).to.equal(1); expect(griffins_name).to.have.text('Griffin Smith'); var lees_name = $('span#lees-name'); expect(lees_name.length).to.equal(1); expect(lees_name).to.have.text('Lee Salminen'); var who_knows_job = $('span#who-knows-job'); expect(who_knows_job.length).to.equal(1); expect(who_knows_job).to.have.text('Developer'); }); }); }); describe('pagination', function() { describe('specifying pageButtonLimit', function(){ before(function() { ReactDOM.render( , ReactableTestUtils.testNode() ); }); after(ReactableTestUtils.resetTestEnvironment); it('shows no more page buttons than the pageButtonLimit', function() { var pageButtons = $('#table tbody.reactable-pagination a.reactable-page-button'); expect(pageButtons.length).to.equal(8); }); }) describe('specifying itemsPerPage', function(){ before(function() { ReactDOM.render( >'}/>, ReactableTestUtils.testNode() ); }); after(ReactableTestUtils.resetTestEnvironment); it('provides buttons for each page', function() { var pageButtons = $('#table tbody.reactable-pagination a.reactable-page-button'); expect(pageButtons.length).to.equal(3); expect($(pageButtons[0])).to.have.text('1') expect($(pageButtons[1])).to.have.text('2') expect($(pageButtons[2])).to.have.text('3') }); it('displays only the first n rows', function() { expect($('#table tbody.reactable-data tr').length).to.equal(4); }); it('specifies a class on the currently active page', function() { var activePage = $('#table tbody.reactable-pagination a.reactable-page-button.reactable-current-page'); expect(activePage.length).to.equal(1); expect(activePage).to.have.text('1'); }); it('does not show previous button', function(){ var previousButton = $('#table tbody.reactable-pagination a.reactable-previous-page'); expect(previousButton.length).to.equal(0); }); it('shows next button', function(){ var nextButton = $('#table tbody.reactable-pagination a.reactable-next-page'); expect(nextButton.length).to.equal(1); expect(nextButton[0].text).to.equal('>>'); }); describe('clicking page buttons', function() { beforeEach(function() { var page2 = $('#table tbody.reactable-pagination a.reactable-page-button')[1];; }); it('loads the next n rows', function() { var rows = $('#table tbody.reactable-data tr'); expect($($(rows[0]).find('td')[0])).to.have.text('Test Person'); expect($($(rows[1]).find('td')[0])).to.have.text('Ian Zhang'); expect($($(rows[2]).find('td')[0])).to.have.text('Griffin Smith'); expect($($(rows[3]).find('td')[0])).to.have.text('Lee Salminen'); }); it('puts an active class on the new active page', function() { var activePage = $('#table tbody.reactable-pagination a.reactable-page-button.reactable-current-page'); expect(activePage.length).to.equal(1); expect(activePage).to.have.text('2'); }); it('can go back to the original page', function() { var page1 = $('#table tbody.reactable-pagination a.reactable-page-button')[0];; var rows = $('#table tbody.reactable-data tr'); expect($($(rows[0]).find('td')[0])).to.have.text('Griffin Smith'); expect($($(rows[1]).find('td')[0])).to.have.text('Lee Salminen'); expect($($(rows[2]).find('td')[0])).to.have.text(''); expect($($(rows[3]).find('td')[0])).to.have.text('Griffin Smith'); }); it('shows previous button', function(){ var previousButton = $('#table tbody.reactable-pagination a.reactable-previous-page'); expect(previousButton.length).to.equal(1); expect(previousButton[0].text).to.equal('<<'); }); }); }); describe('specifying more itemsPerPage than items', function(){ before(function() { ReactDOM.render( , ReactableTestUtils.testNode() ); }); after(ReactableTestUtils.resetTestEnvironment); it('renders all rows', function(){ expect($('#table tbody.reactable-data tr').length).to.equal(9); }); it('provides buttons for 1 page', function() { var pageButtons = $('#table tbody.reactable-pagination a.reactable-page-button'); expect(pageButtons.length).to.equal(1); expect($(pageButtons[0])).to.have.text('1') }); it('does not show previous and next buttons', function(){ var previousButton = $('#table tbody.reactable-pagination a.reactable-previous-page'); var nextButton = $('#table tbody.reactable-pagination a.reactable-next-page'); expect(previousButton.length + nextButton.length).to.equal(0); }) }); describe('not specifying itemsPerPage', function(){ before(function() { ReactDOM.render( , ReactableTestUtils.testNode() ); }); after(ReactableTestUtils.resetTestEnvironment); it('renders all rows', function(){ expect($('#table tbody.reactable-data tr').length).to.equal(9); }); }); describe('specifying 0 itemsPerPage', function(){ before(function() { ReactDOM.render( , ReactableTestUtils.testNode() ); }); after(ReactableTestUtils.resetTestEnvironment); it('renders all rows', function(){ expect($('#table tbody.reactable-data tr').length).to.equal(9); }); }); describe('onPageChange hook', () => { let currentPage const callback = page => { currentPage = page } before( () => { ReactDOM.render( , ReactableTestUtils.testNode() ); }); after(ReactableTestUtils.resetTestEnvironment); it('emits the number of the currently selected page (zero based) when onPageChange event is triggered', () => { const page1 = $('#table tbody.reactable-pagination a.reactable-page-button')[0]; const page2 = $('#table tbody.reactable-pagination a.reactable-page-button')[1]; const page3 = $('#table tbody.reactable-pagination a.reactable-page-button')[2];; expect(currentPage).to.equal(1);; expect(currentPage).to.equal(0);; expect(currentPage).to.equal(2); }); }); describe('updating the currentPage via a prop passed to the table', function() { before(function() { var ParentComponent = React.createClass({ getInitialState: function() { return {currentPage: 4} }, render () { return ( ); } }) this.component = ReactDOM.render(React.createElement(ParentComponent), ReactableTestUtils.testNode()); }); after(ReactableTestUtils.resetTestEnvironment); it('allows setting the default currentPage', function() { let activePage = $('#table tbody.reactable-pagination ' + 'a.reactable-page-button.reactable-current-page'); expect(activePage.length).to.equal(1); expect(activePage).to.have.text('5'); }); it('allows updating currentPage using props', function() { this.component.setState({currentPage: 2}) let activePage = $('#table tbody.reactable-pagination ' + 'a.reactable-page-button.reactable-current-page') expect(activePage.length).to.equal(1); expect(activePage).to.have.text('3'); }); }); }); describe('sorting', function(){ describe('no default sort', function(){ before(function() { ReactDOM.render( , ReactableTestUtils.testNode() ); }); after(ReactableTestUtils.resetTestEnvironment); it('renders all rows with no sort', function(){ ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(0, ['Lee Salminen', '23', 'Programmer']); ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(1, ['Griffin Smith', '18', 'Engineer']); ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(2, ['Ian Zhang', '28', 'Developer']); }); it('adds reactable-header-sortable to all headers', function(){ var header = $('#table thead tr.reactable-column-header th')[0]; expect($(header)).to.have.class('reactable-header-sortable'); header = $('#table thead tr.reactable-column-header th')[1]; expect($(header)).to.have.class('reactable-header-sortable'); header = $('#table thead tr.reactable-column-header th')[2]; expect($(header)).to.have.class('reactable-header-sortable'); }); it('sorts by text in ascending order', function(){ var positionHeader = $('#table thead tr.reactable-column-header th')[2];; ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(0, ['Ian Zhang', '28', 'Developer']); ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(1, ['Griffin Smith', '18', 'Engineer']); ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(2, ['Lee Salminen', '23', 'Programmer']); // Make sure the headers have the right classes expect($(positionHeader)).to.have.class('reactable-header-sort-asc'); }); it('sorts by text in descending order', function(){ var positionHeader = $('#table thead tr.reactable-column-header th')[2];; ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(0, ['Lee Salminen', '23', 'Programmer']); ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(1, ['Griffin Smith', '18', 'Engineer']); ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(2, ['Ian Zhang', '28', 'Developer']); // Make sure the headers have the right classes expect($(positionHeader)).to.have.class('reactable-header-sort-desc'); }); it('sorts by last name in ascending order', function(){ var nameHeader = $('#table thead tr.reactable-column-header th')[0];; ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(0, ['Lee Salminen', '23', 'Programmer']); ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(1, ['Griffin Smith', '18', 'Engineer']); ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(2, ['Ian Zhang', '28', 'Developer']); // Make sure the headers have the right classes expect($(nameHeader)).to.have.class('reactable-header-sort-asc'); }); it('sorts by last name in descending order', function(){ var nameHeader = $('#table thead tr.reactable-column-header th')[0];; ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(0, ['Ian Zhang', '28', 'Developer']); ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(1, ['Griffin Smith', '18', 'Engineer']); ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(2, ['Lee Salminen', '23', 'Programmer']); // Make sure the headers have the right classes expect($(nameHeader)).to.have.class('reactable-header-sort-desc'); }); it('sorts by last name in ascending order by enter keydown', function(){ var nameHeader = $('#table thead tr.reactable-column-header th')[0]; ReactTestUtils.Simulate.keyDown(nameHeader, {keyCode: 13}); ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(0, ['Lee Salminen', '23', 'Programmer']); ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(1, ['Griffin Smith', '18', 'Engineer']); ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(2, ['Ian Zhang', '28', 'Developer']); // Make sure the headers have the right classes expect($(nameHeader)).to.have.class('reactable-header-sort-asc'); }); it('does not sort on non-enter keydown', function(){ var nameHeader = $('#table thead tr.reactable-column-header th')[0]; ReactTestUtils.Simulate.keyDown(nameHeader, {keyCode: 10}); ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(0, ['Lee Salminen', '23', 'Programmer']); ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(1, ['Griffin Smith', '18', 'Engineer']); ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(2, ['Ian Zhang', '28', 'Developer']); // Make sure the headers have the right classes expect($(nameHeader)).to.have.class('reactable-header-sort-asc'); }); }); describe('passing `true` to sortable', function() { var component; before(function() { this.render = () => { ReactDOM.render( , ReactableTestUtils.testNode() ); }; this.render(); }); after(ReactableTestUtils.resetTestEnvironment); it('sorts by the first column in ascending order', function(){ var nameHeader = $('#table thead tr.reactable-column-header th')[0];; ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(0, ['Griffin Smith', '18', 'Engineer']); ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(1, ['Ian Zhang', '28', 'Developer']); ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(2, ['Lee Salminen', '23', 'Programmer']); // Make sure the headers have the right classes expect($(nameHeader)).to.have.class('reactable-header-sort-asc'); }); it('sorts by the first column in descending order', function(){ var nameHeader = $('#table thead tr.reactable-column-header th')[0];; ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(0, ['Lee Salminen', '23', 'Programmer']); ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(1, ['Ian Zhang', '28', 'Developer']); ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(2, ['Griffin Smith', '18', 'Engineer']); // Make sure the headers have the right classes expect($(nameHeader)).to.have.class('reactable-header-sort-desc'); }); it('sorts by the second column in ascending order', function(){ var nameHeader = $('#table thead tr.reactable-column-header th')[1];; ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(0, ['Griffin Smith', '18', 'Engineer']); ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(1, ['Lee Salminen', '23', 'Programmer']); ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(2, ['Ian Zhang', '28', 'Developer']); // Make sure the headers have the right classes expect($(nameHeader)).to.have.class('reactable-header-sort-asc'); }); it('sorts by the second column in descending order', function(){ var nameHeader = $('#table thead tr.reactable-column-header th')[1];; ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(0, ['Ian Zhang', '28', 'Developer']); ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(1, ['Lee Salminen', '23', 'Programmer']); ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(2, ['Griffin Smith', '18', 'Engineer']); // Make sure the headers have the right classes expect($(nameHeader)).to.have.class('reactable-header-sort-desc'); }); it('sorts by the third column in ascending order', function(){ var positionHeader = $('#table thead tr.reactable-column-header th')[2];; ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(0, ['Ian Zhang', '28', 'Developer']); ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(1, ['Griffin Smith', '18', 'Engineer']); ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(2, ['Lee Salminen', '23', 'Programmer']); // Make sure the headers have the right classes expect($(positionHeader)).to.have.class('reactable-header-sort-asc'); }); it('sorts by the third column in descending order', function(){ var positionHeader = $('#table thead tr.reactable-column-header th')[2];; ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(0, ['Lee Salminen', '23', 'Programmer']); ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(1, ['Griffin Smith', '18', 'Engineer']); ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(2, ['Ian Zhang', '28', 'Developer']); // Make sure the headers have the right classes expect($(positionHeader)).to.have.class('reactable-header-sort-desc'); }); it('Keeps the same sort after rerendering', function(){ expect(this.render).to.not.throw(Error); ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(0, ['Lee Salminen', '23', 'Programmer']); ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(1, ['Griffin Smith', '18', 'Engineer']); ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(2, ['Ian Zhang', '28', 'Developer']); }); }); describe('default sort', function(){ before(function() { ReactDOM.render( , ReactableTestUtils.testNode() ); }); after(ReactableTestUtils.resetTestEnvironment); it('renders all rows sorted by default column age descending', function(){ ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(0, ['Ian Zhang', '28', 'Developer']); ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(1, ['Lee Salminen', '23', 'Programmer']); ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(2, ['Griffin Smith', '18', 'Engineer']); }); }); describe('sorting after updating columns and sortable props', () => { let parent; before(function () { var TestParent = React.createFactory(React.createClass({ getInitialState: function() { return ({ data: [ {Name: 'Lee Salminen', Age: '23', Position: 'Programmer'}, {Name: 'Griffin Smith', Age: '18', Position: 'Engineer'}, {Name: 'Ian Zhang', Age: '28', Position: 'Developer'} ], sortable: ['Name', 'Age', 'Position'], defaultSort: 'Position' }); }, render: function() { return ( ) } })); parent = ReactDOM.render(TestParent(), ReactableTestUtils.testNode()); }); after(ReactableTestUtils.resetTestEnvironment); it('sorts on new column after receiving new props', function() { const newData = [ { Name: 'Lee Salminen', Age: '23', newColumn: 'Programmer'}, { Name: 'Griffin Smith', Age: '18', newColumn: 'Engineer'}, { Name: 'Ian Zhang', Age: '28', newColumn: 'Developer'} ] const newSortable = ['Name', 'Age', 'newColumn'] const newDefaultSort = 'newColumn' parent.setState({data: newData, sortable: newSortable, defaultSort: newDefaultSort}); var positionHeader = $('#table thead tr.reactable-column-header th')[2];; ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(1, ['Griffin Smith', '18', 'Engineer']); ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(2, ['Lee Salminen', '23', 'Programmer']); ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(0, ['Ian Zhang', '28', 'Developer']); // Make sure the headers have the right classes expect($(positionHeader)).to.have.class('reactable-header-sort-asc'); }); }); describe('sort descending by default flag', function(){ before(function() { ReactDOM.render( , ReactableTestUtils.testNode() ); }); after(ReactableTestUtils.resetTestEnvironment); it('renders all rows sorted by default column age descending', function(){ ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(0, ['Ian Zhang', '28', 'Developer']); ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(1, ['Lee Salminen', '23', 'Programmer']); ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(2, ['Griffin Smith', '18', 'Engineer']); }); it('sorts by the age column in ascending order', function(){ var positionHeader = $('#table thead tr.reactable-column-header th')[1];; ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(0, ['Griffin Smith', '18', 'Engineer']); ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(1, ['Lee Salminen', '23', 'Programmer']); ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(2, ['Ian Zhang', '28', 'Developer']); // Make sure the headers have the right classes expect($(positionHeader)).to.have.class('reactable-header-sort-asc'); }); }); describe('default sort no direction specified', function(){ before(function() { ReactDOM.render( , ReactableTestUtils.testNode() ); }); after(ReactableTestUtils.resetTestEnvironment); it('renders all rows sorted by default column age ascending', function(){ ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(0, ['Griffin Smith', '18', 'Engineer']); ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(1, ['Lee Salminen', '23', 'Programmer']); ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(2, ['Ian Zhang', '28', 'Developer']); }); }); describe('unsortable column', function(){ before(function() { ReactDOM.render( , ReactableTestUtils.testNode() ); }); after(ReactableTestUtils.resetTestEnvironment); it('leaves columns unsorted', function(){ var nameHeader = $('#table thead tr.reactable-column-header th')[0];; ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(0, ['Lee Salminen', '23', 'Programmer']); ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(1, ['Griffin Smith', '18', 'Engineer']); ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(2, ['Ian Zhang', '28', 'Developer']); }); it("doesn't give non-sortable headers a role=button", function() { var nameHeader = $('#table thead tr.reactable-column-header th:first'); expect($(nameHeader)).to.not.have.attr('role', 'button'); }) }); [Reactable.Sort.Numeric, Reactable.Sort.NumericInteger].forEach(function(method) { describe('numeric sort', function(){ before(function() { ReactDOM.render( , ReactableTestUtils.testNode() ); }); after(function() { ReactableTestUtils.resetTestEnvironment(); }); it('sorts columns numerically', function(){ var sortHeader = $('#table thead tr.reactable-column-header th')[0];; ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(0, ['1.23']); ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(1, ['18']); ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(2, ['23']); ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(3, ['28']); ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(4, ['123']); ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(5, ['a']); ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(6, ['z']); }); }); }); describe('numeric sort with Tr and Td specified', function(){ before(function() { ReactDOM.render( 23 18 28 1.23 a z 123 , ReactableTestUtils.testNode() ); }); after(function() { ReactableTestUtils.resetTestEnvironment(); }); it('sorts columns numerically', function(){ var sortHeader = $('#table thead tr.reactable-column-header th')[0];; ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(0, ['1.23']); ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(1, ['18']); ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(2, ['23']); ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(3, ['28']); ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(4, ['123']); ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(5, ['a']); ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(6, ['z']); }); }); describe('numeric sort with Tr and Td specified and custom value', function(){ before(function() { ReactDOM.render( twenty-three eighteen twenty-eight one point two three a z one hundred twenty-three , ReactableTestUtils.testNode() ); }); after(function() { ReactableTestUtils.resetTestEnvironment(); }); it('sorts columns numerically', function(){ var sortHeader = $('#table thead tr.reactable-column-header th')[0];; ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(0, ['one point two three']); ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(1, ['eighteen']); ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(2, ['twenty-three']); ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(3, ['twenty-eight']); ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(4, ['one hundred twenty-three']); ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(5, ['a']); ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(6, ['z']); }); }); describe('currency sort', function(){ before(function() { ReactDOM.render( , ReactableTestUtils.testNode() ); }); after(function() { ReactableTestUtils.resetTestEnvironment(); }); it('sorts columns numerically. parsing out currency symbols', function(){ var sortHeader = $('#table thead tr.reactable-column-header th')[0];; ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(0, ['.1']); ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(1, ['$.5']); ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(2, ['$0.60']); ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(3, ['1']); ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(4, ['$1.01']); ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(5, ['1.25']); ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(6, ['$2']); ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(7, ['$10']); ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(8, ['$10,000']); ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(9, ['$10,500']); ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(10, ['a']); ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(11, ['z']); }); }); describe('yen sort', function(){ before(function() { ReactDOM.render( , ReactableTestUtils.testNode() ); }); after(function() { ReactableTestUtils.resetTestEnvironment(); }); it('sorts columns numerically. parsing out currency symbols', function(){ var sortHeader = $('#table thead tr.reactable-column-header th')[0];; ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(0, ['.1']); ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(1, ['¥.5']); ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(2, ['¥0.60']); ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(3, ['1']); ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(4, ['¥1.01']); ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(5, ['1.25']); ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(6, ['¥2']); ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(7, ['¥10']); ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(8, ['¥10,000']); ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(9, ['¥10,500']); ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(10, ['a']); ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(11, ['z']); }); }); describe('date sort', function(){ before(function() { ReactDOM.render( , ReactableTestUtils.testNode() ); }); after(function() { ReactableTestUtils.resetTestEnvironment(); }); it('sorts columns by date', function(){ var sortHeader = $('#table thead tr.reactable-column-header th')[0];; ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(0, ['1/1/2013 11:00 AM']); ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(1, ['4/3/2013']); ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(2, ['1/1/2014 11:00 AM']); ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(3, ['1/1/2014 4:30 PM']); ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(4, ['a']); ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(5, ['z']); }); }); describe('case insensitive sorting', function(){ before(function() { ReactDOM.render( , ReactableTestUtils.testNode() ); }); after(function() { ReactableTestUtils.resetTestEnvironment(); }); it('sorts columns by value - case insensitive', function(){ var sortHeader = $('#table thead tr.reactable-column-header th')[0];; ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(0, ['Griffin Smith']); ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(1, ['griffin smith']); ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(2, ['Ian Zhang']); ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(3, ['Ian zhang']); ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(4, ['Lee Salminen']); ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(5, ['lee Salminen']); }); }); describe('custom sort with React Components', function(){ before(function() { ReactDOM.render( Third}, {'Rank': First}, {'Rank': Second}, ]} columns={[{ key: 'Rank', sortable: function (a, b) { // sort based on classname return a.props.className.localeCompare(b.props.className); } }]} />, ReactableTestUtils.testNode() ); }); after(function() { ReactableTestUtils.resetTestEnvironment(); }); it('sorts columns by value', function(){ var sortHeader = $('#table thead tr.reactable-column-header th')[0];; ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(0, ['First']); ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(1, ['Second']); ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(2, ['Third']); }); }); describe('sorts and calls onSort callback via props', function(){ var sortColumn = null; var callback = function(sortObject){ sortColumn = sortObject.column; } before(function() { ReactDOM.render( Third}, {'Rank': First}, {'Rank': Second}, ]} columns={[{ key: 'Rank', sortable: function (a, b) { // sort based on classname return a.props.className.localeCompare(b.props.className); } }]} onSort={ callback }/>, ReactableTestUtils.testNode() ); }); after(function() { ReactableTestUtils.resetTestEnvironment(); }); it('returns currentSort object to callback for utilization', function(){ var sortHeader = $('#table thead tr.reactable-column-header th')[0];; expect(sortColumn).to.equal('Rank'); }); }); }); describe('filtering', function() { describe('filtering with javascript objects for data', function(){ var data = [{name:"Lee SomeoneElse", age:18},{name:"Lee Salminen", age:23},{name:"No Age", age:null}] var filterBy var onFilter = function (filter) { filterBy = filter } before(function () { ReactDOM.render( , ReactableTestUtils.testNode() ); }); after(ReactableTestUtils.resetTestEnvironment); it('filters case insensitive on specified columns', function() { var $filter = $('#table thead tr.reactable-filterer input.reactable-filter-input'); $filter.val('lee'); React.addons.TestUtils.Simulate.keyUp($filter[0]); ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(0, ['Lee SomeoneElse', '18']); ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(1, ['Lee Salminen', '23']); }); it('calls onFilter event handler', function() { var $filter = $('#table thead tr.reactable-filterer input.reactable-filter-input'); var textToSearch = 'lee' $filter.val(textToSearch); React.addons.TestUtils.Simulate.keyUp($filter[0]); expect(filterBy).to.equal(textToSearch); }); }); describe('basic case-insensitive filtering', function(){ before(function() { this.component = ReactDOM.render( New York this is some text new New Mexico lorem ipsum old Colorado new description that shouldnt match filter old Alaska bacon renewed , ReactableTestUtils.testNode() ); }); after(ReactableTestUtils.resetTestEnvironment); context('from the filterer field', function() { it('filters case insensitive on specified columns', function() { var $filter = $('#table thead tr.reactable-filterer input.reactable-filter-input'); $filter.val('new'); React.addons.TestUtils.Simulate.keyUp($filter[0]); ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(0, ['New York', 'this is some text', 'new']); ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(1, ['New Mexico', 'lorem ipsum', 'old']); ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(2, ['Alaska', 'bacon', 'renewed']); }); it('filter placeholder is set', function(){ var $filter = $('#table thead tr.reactable-filterer input.reactable-filter-input'); expect($filter.attr("placeholder")).to.equal('Filter Results'); }) }); context('from the function', function() { before(function() { this.component.filterBy('york'); }); it('applies the filtering', function() { ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(0, ['New York', 'this is some text', 'new']); }); it('updates the value of the filterer', function() { var $filter = $('#table thead tr.reactable-filterer input.reactable-filter-input'); expect($filter).to.have.value('york'); }); }); context('from filterBy prop', function() { before(function() { ReactableTestUtils.resetTestEnvironment(); var ParentComponent = React.createClass({ getInitialState: function() { return {customFilterText: 'new'} }, handleChange(event) { this.setState({customFilterText:}); }, render: function() { return (
New York this is some text new New Mexico lorem ipsum old Colorado new description that shouldnt match filter old Alaska bacon renewed
); } }) this.component = ReactDOM.render(React.createElement(ParentComponent), ReactableTestUtils.testNode()); }); it('filters case insensitive on specified columns', function() { ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(0, ['New York', 'this is some text', 'new']); ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(1, ['New Mexico', 'lorem ipsum', 'old']); ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(2, ['Alaska', 'bacon', 'renewed']); var $builtInFilter = $('#table thead tr.reactable-filterer input.reactable-filter-input'); expect($builtInFilter).to.have.value('new'); // Simulate changing input on parent component and re-rendering Reactable.Table with new props. var node = this.component.refs.customFilterInput; node.value = 'alaska'; ReactTestUtils.Simulate.change(customFilterInput); ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(0, ['Alaska', 'bacon', 'renewed']); expect($builtInFilter).to.have.value('alaska'); }); }); }); context('filtering with prop and hiding filter input', function() { before(function() { this.component = ReactDOM.render( New York this is some text new New Mexico lorem ipsum old , ReactableTestUtils.testNode() ); }); after(ReactableTestUtils.resetTestEnvironment); it('does not render the filter input box', function() { expect($('#table thead tr.reactable-filterer input.reactable-filter-input').length).to.equal(0); }); }); context('filtering and pagination together', function(){ before(function() { ReactDOM.render( , ReactableTestUtils.testNode() ); }); after(ReactableTestUtils.resetTestEnvironment); afterEach(function() { var $filter = $('#table thead tr.reactable-filterer input.reactable-filter-input'); $filter.val(''); React.addons.TestUtils.Simulate.keyUp($filter[0]); }); it('updates the pagination links', function() { var $filter = $('#table thead tr.reactable-filterer input.reactable-filter-input'); $filter.val('colorado'); React.addons.TestUtils.Simulate.keyUp($filter[0]); var pageButtons = $('#table tbody.reactable-pagination a.reactable-page-button'); expect(pageButtons.length).to.equal(1); expect($(pageButtons[0])).to.have.text('1'); }); it('updates the current page if necessary', function() { var $filter = $('#table thead tr.reactable-filterer input.reactable-filter-input'); var $pageButtons = $('#table tbody.reactable-pagination a.reactable-page-button'); // Go to the last page$pageButtons[1]) // Then filter so that that page doesn't exist anymore $filter.val('colorado'); React.addons.TestUtils.Simulate.keyUp($filter[0]); ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(0, [ 'Colorado', "new description that shouldn't match filter", 'old' ]); var activePage = $('#table tbody.reactable-pagination ' + 'a.reactable-page-button.reactable-current-page'); expect(activePage.length).to.equal(1); expect(activePage).to.have.text('1'); }); }); context('with custom filter', function() { before(function() { this.component = ReactDOM.render( -1 && contents.indexOf(filter) > -1 ); }, }, 'State' ]} filterPlaceholder="Filter Results" columns={['State', 'Description', 'Tag']}> New York this is some text new New Mexico lorem ipsum old x Colorado lol renewed x Alaska bacon new , ReactableTestUtils.testNode() ); }); after(ReactableTestUtils.resetTestEnvironment); context('from the filterer field', function() { it('filters case insensitive on specified columns', function() { var $filter = $('#table thead tr.reactable-filterer input.reactable-filter-input'); $filter.val('l'); React.addons.TestUtils.Simulate.keyUp($filter[0]); ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(0, ['New Mexico', 'lorem ipsum', 'old x']); ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(1, ['Colorado', 'lol', 'renewed x']); ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(2, ['Alaska', 'bacon', 'new']); }); it('filter placeholder is set', function(){ var $filter = $('#table thead tr.reactable-filterer input.reactable-filter-input'); expect($filter.attr("placeholder")).to.equal('Filter Results'); }) }); context('from the function', function() { before(function() { this.component.filterBy('l'); }); it('applies the filtering', function() { ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(0, ['New Mexico', 'lorem ipsum', 'old x']); ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(1, ['Colorado', 'lol', 'renewed x']); ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(2, ['Alaska', 'bacon', 'new']); }); it('updates the value of the filterer', function() { var $filter = $('#table thead tr.reactable-filterer input.reactable-filter-input'); expect($filter).to.have.value('l'); }); }); context('from filterBy prop', function() { before(function() { ReactableTestUtils.resetTestEnvironment(); var ParentComponent = React.createClass({ getInitialState: function() { return {customFilterText: 'l'} }, handleChange(event) { this.setState({customFilterText:}); }, render: function() { return (
-1 && contents.indexOf(filter) > -1 ); }, }, 'State' ]} filterPlaceholder="Filter Results" filterBy={this.state.customFilterText} columns={['State', 'Description', 'Tag']}> Alaska bacon new New York this is some text new New Mexico lorem ipsum old x Colorado lol renewed x
); } }) this.component = ReactDOM.render(React.createElement(ParentComponent), ReactableTestUtils.testNode()); }); it('filters using the custom filter on specified columns', function() { ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(0, ['Alaska', 'bacon', 'new']); ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(1, ['New Mexico', 'lorem ipsum', 'old x']); ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(2, ['Colorado', 'lol', 'renewed x']); var $builtInFilter = $('#table thead tr.reactable-filterer input.reactable-filter-input'); expect($builtInFilter).to.have.value('l'); // Simulate changing input on parent component and re-rendering Reactable.Table with new props. var node = this.component.refs.customFilterInput; node.value = 'exico'; ReactTestUtils.Simulate.change(customFilterInput); ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(0, ['New Mexico', 'lorem ipsum', 'old x']); expect($builtInFilter).to.have.value('exico'); }); }); }); }); describe('directly passing a data array with non-string data', function() { before(function() { ReactDOM.render( , ReactableTestUtils.testNode() ); }); after(ReactableTestUtils.resetTestEnvironment); it('renders the table', function() { expect($('table#table.table')).to.exist; }); it('renders the column headers in the table', function() { var headers = []; $('thead th').each(function() { headers.push($(this).text()); }); expect(headers).to.eql([ 'Name', 'Age', 'Position']); }); it('renders the first row with the correct data', function() { ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(0, ['Griffin Smith', '18', '']); }); it('renders the second row with the correct data', function() { ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(1, ['Lee Salminen', '23', '']); }); it('renders the third row with the correct data', function() { ReactableTestUtils.expectRowText(2, ['', '28.45', 'Developer']); }); }); describe('multiple tables on a page', function() { before(function() { this.parentTestNode = ReactableTestUtils.testNode(); this.testNode1 = $('
').attr('id', 'test-node-1'); this.testNode2 = $('
').attr('id', 'test-node-2'); ReactDOM.render( , this.testNode1[0] ); ReactDOM.render( , this.testNode2[0] ); }); after(function() { $(this.parentTestNode).empty().remove(); }); it('renders the column headers in the first table', function() { var headers = []; this.testNode1.find('thead th').each(function() { headers.push($(this).text()); }); expect(headers).to.eql(['Name', 'Age', 'Position']); }); it('renders the column headers in the second table', function() { var headers = []; this.testNode2.find('thead th').each(function() { headers.push($(this).text()); }); expect(headers).to.eql(['Moniker', 'Elderliness', 'Title']); }); }); describe('handleClick callbacks', function(){ before(function() { this.clicked = false ReactDOM.render( Griffin Smith , ReactableTestUtils.testNode() );$('td')[0]) }); after(ReactableTestUtils.resetTestEnvironment); it('calls the callbacks on click', function() { expect(this.clicked).to.eq(true); }); }); describe('onContextMenu callbacks on
elements', function(){ before(function() { this.rightClicked = false ReactDOM.render( Griffin Smith , ReactableTestUtils.testNode() ); ReactTestUtils.Simulate.contextMenu($('td')[0]) }); after(ReactableTestUtils.resetTestEnvironment); it('calls the callbacks on right click', function() { expect(this.rightClicked).to.eq(true); }); }); describe('table with no data', () => { context('when noDataText prop is null', () => { before(function() { this.component = ReactDOM.render( , ReactableTestUtils.testNode() ); }); after(ReactableTestUtils.resetTestEnvironment); it('does not render the reactable-no-data element', () => { expect($('.reactable-no-data').length).to.eq(0); }); }); context('when initialized without