Honors 1000, Productive Data Manipulation in Python and SQL (Fall 2019)

Homework 2 (Due: 15 October 2019)

Write SQL queries and execute them against the MySQL database for classroom data for the following:
  1. Get bcode and bname of buildings whose bname contains the word 'SOUTH'
  2. Get bcode and rnumber for rooms with capacity greater than 100
  3. Get cap, layout, type, and dept for room 'CLSO' '206'
  4. Get mcode, description for media in room 'CLSO' '206'
  5. Get rnumber of rooms in building with bcode='CLSO'
  6. Get bcode and rnumber for rooms with media description containing term 'DVD'
  7. Get bcode and rnumber for rooms that are 'P' type and owned by dept 'CSC'
  8. Get number of rooms in 'CLSO' building
  9. Get number of rooms for each building
  10. Get number of rooms that have 'ELMO' media
  11. Get number of rooms for each media type
  12. Get total number of seats in all classrooms in 'CLSO'
  13. Get total number of seats in each building
  14. Get total number of seats in all classrooms