Chapter 2 - Abstract Query Languages (RA, DRC, and DLOG Interpreters)

Laboratory Manual Chapter

Abstract Query Language Interpreters - Java jar file

Note: This jar file includes the dbengine as well as the three interpreters (RA, DRC, and DLOG) along with the Java CUP libraries. To install the package on Unix systems: Simply place the jar file in an accessible location on disk (say, /usr/local/lib/aql.jar) and add them to CLASSPATH variable (assuming CLASSPATH is already defined) as follows:
setenv CLASSPATH /usr/local/lib/aql.jar:$CLASSPATH
export CLASSPATH=/usr/local/lib/aql.jar:$CLASSPATH
depending on your shell.

To install the packages on Windows systems: Simply place the jar file in an accessible location on disk (say, c:\elna-lab\ch2\aql.jar) and add the file path to the CLASSPATH environment variable by opening up the CONTROL PANEL, choosing the SYSTEM folder, choosing the ADVANCED TAB, and clicking the ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES button. If the CLASSPATH is already defined, simply add the file path to the current value (note: the file paths are separated by semi-colons). If the CLASSPATH is not defined, use the NEW button to add the new variable CLASSPATH with its value as


Sample Queries

Sample Databases (Directories)