import*; import*; import org.w3c.dom.*; import org.w3c.dom.Node; import oracle.xml.parser.v2.*; import java.sql.*; public class CreateGeoData { static public void main(String[] argv) throws SQLException { try { Class.forName("oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver"); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { System.out.println("Error"); return; } Connection conn = null; try { conn = DriverManager.getConnection ( "","book", "book"); } catch (SQLException e1) { System.out.println("Error"); return; } if (conn == null) { System.out.println("Null Connection"); return; } Statement stmt = conn.createStatement(); try { if (argv.length != 1) { // Must pass in the name of the XML file. System.err.println("Usage: java CreateGeoData xmlfilename"); System.exit(1); } // Get an instance of the parser DOMParser parser = new DOMParser(); // Generate a URL from the filename. URL url = createURL(argv[0]); // Set various parser options: validation on, // warnings shown, error stream set to stderr. parser.setErrorStream(System.err); parser.setValidationMode(true); parser.showWarnings(true); // Parse the document. parser.parse(url); // Obtain the document. XMLDocument doc = parser.getDocument(); NodeList sl = doc.getElementsByTagName("state"); NodeList cl = doc.getElementsByTagName("city"); int len = sl.getLength(); //System.out.println("number of states = " + len); String scode = null, sname = null, nickname = null; long population = 0; for (int j=0; j < len; j++) { XMLNode e = (XMLNode) sl.item(j); //e.print(System.out); scode = e.valueOf("scode"); sname = e.valueOf("sname"); nickname = e.valueOf("nickname"); population = Long.parseLong(e.valueOf("population")); XMLNode child = (XMLNode) e.getFirstChild(); while (child != null) { if (child.getNodeName().equals("capital")) break; child = (XMLNode) child.getNextSibling(); } //XMLNode gchild = (XMLNode) child.getFirstChild(); //gchild.print(System.out); NamedNodeMap nnm = child.getAttributes(); XMLNode n = (XMLNode) nnm.item(0); //System.out.println("capital = " + n.getNodeValue()); String cname=null, ccode=null; //System.out.println("n.getNodeValue() = " + n.getNodeValue()); String x = GetCityNameAndCode(cl,n.getNodeValue()); int kk = x.indexOf(":"); String capName = x.substring(0,kk); String capCode = x.substring(kk+1); child = (XMLNode) e.getFirstChild(); String cCode[] = new String[10]; String cName[] = new String[10]; int count = 0; while (child != null) { if (child.getNodeName().equals("citiesin")) { nnm = child.getAttributes(); n = (XMLNode) nnm.item(0); x = GetCityNameAndCode(cl,n.getNodeValue()); kk = x.indexOf(":"); cName[count] = x.substring(0,kk); cCode[count++] = x.substring(kk+1); } child = (XMLNode) child.getNextSibling(); } String insert = "insert into state values ('" + scode +"', '" + sname + "', '" + nickname + "', " + population + ", " + "city_type('"+ capCode + "', '" + capName + "'), "; String addInsert = "cities_in_table("; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { if ( i == count-1) { addInsert += "city_type('" + cCode[i] + "', '" + cName[i] + "')))"; break; } addInsert += "city_type('"+ cCode[i] + "', '" + cName[i] + "'), "; } insert += addInsert; int nrows = 0; try { System.out.println(insert); nrows = stmt.executeUpdate(insert); } catch (SQLException e2) { System.out.println("Could not insert row"); System.out.println(e2.getMessage()); } } } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e.toString()); } } static String GetCityNameAndCode(NodeList cl, String cid) { try { int len = cl.getLength(); for (int j=0; j < len; j++) { XMLNode e = (XMLNode) cl.item(j); NamedNodeMap nnm = e.getAttributes(); XMLNode n = (XMLNode) nnm.item(0); if (n.getNodeValue().equals(cid)) { return (e.valueOf("cname") + ":" + e.valueOf("ccode")); } } return null; } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e.toString()); return null; } } static URL createURL(String fileName) { URL url = null; try { url = new URL(fileName); } catch (MalformedURLException ex) { File f = new File(fileName); try { String path = f.getAbsolutePath(); String fs = System.getProperty("file.separator"); if (fs.length() == 1) { char sep = fs.charAt(0); if (sep != '/') path = path.replace(sep, '/'); if (path.charAt(0) != '/') path = '/' + path; } path = "file://" + path; url = new URL(path); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { System.out.println("Cannot create url for: " + fileName); System.exit(0); } } return url; } }