Project 10.8
Online Auctions Database

Implement an Online Auction application in Java using JDBC.
The database for the application is given below:

drop table members cascade constraints;
create table members (
  fname varchar2(20) not null,
  lname varchar2(20) not null,
  street varchar2(50) not null,
  city varchar2(30) not null,
  state varchar2(20) not null,
  zip number(5) not null,
  phone varchar2(12),
  email varchar2(40),
  userid varchar2(10),
  password varchar2(20),
  creditcardtype varchar2(10) 
    check(creditcardtype in ('amex','discover','mc','visa')),
  creditcardnumber char(16),
  primary key (userid)
drop table items cascade constraints;
create table items (
  ino number(5),
  category varchar2(20) not null,
  title varchar2(128) not null,
  description varchar2(2000),
  qty number(3),
  closeDate date,
  sellerId varchar2(10) not null,
  startPrice number(7,2) not null,
  bidIncrement number(7,2) not null,
  lastBidReceived date,
  primary key (ino),
  foreign key (sellerId) references members
drop table bids cascade constraints;
create table bids (
  ino number(5),
  buyerId varchar2(10),
  price number(7,2),
  qtyBid number(3),
  bidTime date,
  primary key (ino,buyerId,price,qtyBid,bidTime),
  foreign key (ino) references items,
  foreign key (buyerId) references members
drop table ratings cascade constraints;
create table ratings (
  ino number(5),
  buyerId varchar2(10),
  bComment varchar2(100),
  sComment varchar2(100),
  bScale number(1) check (bScale between 1 and 5),
  sScale number(1) check (sScale between 1 and 5),
  primary key (ino,buyerId),
  foreign key (ino) references items,
  foreign key (buyerId) references members

This project will be developed in stages. In the first stage, which is
due on February 22nd, the following menu system should be implemented.
In addition, each student should send me 15 insert statements for
the items table. This way, I can merge them all and create a reasonable
size items database. Each student should cover at least 3 categories
(i.e. 5 items per category).

[raj@toto project]$ java OnlineAuction

***                                                                ***
***             Welcome to the Online Auction                      ***
***                                                                ***

                         1. Member Login

                         2. New Member Registration

                         q. Quit

Type in your option: 2

Welcome to the Online Auction
       New Member Registration

Enter first name: Raj
Enter last name: Sunderraman
Enter street address: 123 Main Street
Enter city: Atlanta
Enter state: GA
Enter zip: 30303
Enter phone: 555-1212
Enter email address:
Enter userID: raj
Enter password: raj
Enter type of Credit Card(amex/visa/discover/mc): amex
Enter Credit Card Number: 12121212121212

You have registered successfully.
Name:                Raj Sunderraman
Address:             123 Main Street
City:                Atlanta GA 30303
Phone:               555-1212
UserID:              raj
Password:            raj
CreditCard Type:     amex
CreditCard Number:   12121212121212
Press Enter to go back to Menu

***                                                                ***
***             Welcome to the Online Auction                      ***
***                                                                ***

                         1. Member Login

                         2. New Member Registration

                         q. Quit

Type in your option: 1

Enter userID: raj
Enter password: raj

***                                                                ***
***                       Welcome to Online Auction                ***
***                            Member Menu                         ***
***                                                                ***

                     1. Browse by Category

                     2. Search by Title/Description

                     3. View All of My Bids

                     4. View All of My Items on Sale 

                     5. Place an Item on Sale

                     6. Place a Bid

                     7. Place a Rating

                     8. View Ratings

                     9. View/Edit Personal Information

                     q. Logout

Type in your option: 8

You have successfully logged out!
Press enter to go back to Menu

The remaining options are described below:

  1. Browse by Category
       This option should first list all categories alphabetically;
       Then allow user to choose one category;
       Then display item details (2 items at a time on a screen)
       Allow user to enter ino to bid on (subsequent interaction should
                            be similar to Place a Bid)
                  to press ENTER to return to main menu
                  to press n ENTER to continue browsing

  2. Search by Title/Description
       This option accepts a string of the form t-abcd for title search and
       d-abcd for description search and should retrieve all items that 
       contain abcd as a substring in the title or description 
      (Note: abcd is a sample string!)
       Then display item details (2 items at a time on a screen)
       Allow user to enter ino to bid on (subsequent interaction should
                            be similar to Place a Bid)
                  to press ENTER to return to main menu
                  to press n ENTER to continue browsing

  3. View all of my Bids
        This option should display (in a neat format) all of the member's bids
        sorted by nearest deadline for auction ending.

  4. View all of my items on sale
        This option should display (in a neat format) all of the member's 
        sale items sorted by nearest deadline for auction ending.

  5. Place an item for sale
       This option should prompt user for all relevant information 
       required to place item on sale and then place it for sale 
       (if information is satisfactory).
       An (optional) e-mail should be sent to the member.

  6. Place a Bid
       This option should prompt user for an item number
       Then request relevant information such as bid price and quantity
       Once satisfactory information is collected, the bid should be placed 
       and an (optional) e-mail should be sent to the member.

  7. Place a rating 

  8. View ratings

  9. View/Edit Personal Information
        This option should display all personal information (in a neat format)
        and allow member to change e-mail, credit card information or address.
        Please design an appropriate user interface (should allow changing 
        of none or one or two or all three pieces of information).