procedure student_menu(u_access in varchar2 default NULL, id in number) as access_check varchar2(30); no_access exception; cursor c1 is select courses.term,cno,courses.lineno from courses,enrolls where enrolls.sid = id and courses.term = enrolls.term and courses.lineno = enrolls.lineno; begin if (u_access = NULL) then raise no_access; end if; access_check := user_access.check_access(u_access); if (access_check != 'Student') then raise no_access; end if; htp.htmlOpen; htp.headOpen; htp.htitle('Student Menu'); htp.headClose; htp.bodyOpen; htp.formOpen(owa_util.get_owa_service_path || 'menus.process_student_option'); htp.formSelectOpen('tcl','Term: '); for c1_rec in c1 loop htp.formSelectOption('(' ||c1_rec.term||','|| c1_rec.cno||','|| c1_rec.lineno || ')'); end loop; htp.formSelectClose;;
htp.formHidden('u_access', u_access); htp.formHidden('id', id); htp.formSubmit('opt','Display Scores'); htp.formSubmit('opt','Change Password'); htp.formSubmit('opt','Logout'); htp.formclose; htp.bodyClose; htp.htmlClose; Exception when no_access then htp.print('You do not have an access to this page'); when others then htp.print('Error in menus.student_menu'); end student_menu;
function check_access( u_access in varchar2 default NULL) return varchar2 as return_value varchar(30); auth_buffer varchar(20); no_access exception; begin if u_access is null then raise no_access; end if; select authority into auth_buffer from users U where U.u_access = check_access.u_access; return_value := auth_buffer; return(return_value); Exception when no_data_found then return('0'); when no_access then return ('0'); when others then htp.print('Error in user_access.check_access'); end check_access;
procedure process_student_option( u_access in varchar2 default NULL, opt in varchar2 default null, tcl in varchar2 default null, id in number) as begin if (opt = 'Display Scores') then display.display_own_scores(id,tcl,u_access); elsif (opt = 'Change Password') then user_access.change_password(u_access); elsif (opt = 'Logout') then user_access.logout(u_access); end if; end;
procedure display_own_scores( id in number, tcl in varchar2, u_access in varchar2 default NULL) as counter integer := 0; access_check varchar2(30); no_access exception; trm scores.term%type; lnum scores.lineno%type; p1 integer; p2 integer; cursor c1 is select components.compname,points,maxpoints from scores,components where sid = id and scores.term = trm and scores.lineno = lnum and components.compname = scores.compname and components.term = scores.term and components.lineno = scores.lineno; begin if (u_access = NULL) then raise no_access; end if; access_check := user_access.check_access(u_access); if (access_check != 'Student') then raise no_access; end if;
htp.htmlOpen; htp.headOpen; htp.title('Display Scores'); htp.header(1,'Student Scores'); htp.headClose;; htp.bodyOpen; p1 := instr(tcl,',',1,2)+1; p2 := instr(tcl,')',1,1)-1; trm := substr(tcl,2,instr(tcl,',',1)-2); lnum := to_number(substr(tcl,p1,p2-p1+1)); htp.tableOpen(cattributes => 'border=2 width=60%' ); htp.tableRowOpen; htp.tableHeader('Component Name'); htp.tableHeader('Points'); htp.tableHeader('Max Points'); htp.tableRowClose; for scr_rec in c1 loop htp.tableRowOpen; htp.tableData(scr_rec.compname,'left'); htp.tableData(scr_rec.points,'right'); htp.tableData(scr_rec.maxpoints,'right'); htp.tableRowClose; counter := counter + 1; end loop; htp.tableClose;; htp.print('Number of records: '); htp.print(counter); htp.bodyClose; htp.htmlClose;
Exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then htp.print('No records found'); when no_access then htp.print('You are not logged on'); when others then htp.print('Something wrong in display_own_scores');; htp.print('SQLCODE = ' || SQLCODE);; htp.print('SQLERRM = ' || SQLERRM); end display_own_scores;
procedure logout(u_access in varchar2 default NULL) as auth_buffer varchar(20); no_access exception; begin auth_buffer := check_access(u_access); if (auth_buffer < '1') then raise no_access; end if; update users set u_access = null where u_access = logout.u_access; commit; htp.print('Thank you for using Grade Book Program'); Exception when no_access then htp.print('You are not logged in'); when others then htp.print('Error in users_access.logout'); end logout;