CSc 880D Databases and the Web
Summer 1998
Assignment 1: Due: 30 June 1998

1. Solve the following problems from the Oracle Programming

   2.1, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3
   2.2, 4.6, 4.7, 4.9

2. Write a PL/SQL Cartridge program that shows a ORDER PROCESSING
   HTML page. This page should contain pull-down lists for
   customer number and employee number. The order number should
   be internally generated using a SEQUENCE object. The current
   date should be used for RECEIVED date. The shipped date
   should be left as NULL. This page should also list TEXT FIELDS
   for 10 parts (each part should have two text fields: one for
   the part number and the other for the quantity). The user may enter
   upto 10 parts in this order.  A SUBMIT button should be present in
   the page, which when clicked should send control to another procedure
   that receives all the information from the first page and processes
   the order. Appropriate error handling should be done.  After the
   second procedure is done, it should print a HTML page with an
   appropriate message.

3. Write a PL/SQL Cartridge program that displays a pull-down list of
   order numbers. After the user chooses a particular order and
   clicks the SUBMIT button on this page, control is passed on
   to another procedure which displays the order details for the 
   particular order number. The order details should be formatted
   as follows:

                Order Number: xxx

   Customer Number: xx     Customer City:
   Customer Name: xx       Customer Zip:
   Customer Street: xxx
   Order Taken By emp-num,emp-name

   Part Number   Part Name   Price Quantity    Total Price
    xxx            xxx        xx     xxx         xxxx
                                    Sum total:  xxxxx

   The last part of this display should be formatted as a HTML table.