XML Basics

I. Introduction

II. Semistructured Data

An HTML document (student list) to be displayed on the Web

  <dt>John Doe</dt>
  <dd>Id: s111111111</dd>
       <li>Number: 123</li>
       <li>Street: Main</li>

To make the previous student list suitable for machine consumption on the Web, it should have the following characteristics:

Data with these characteristics are referred to as semistructured.

Set of label-value pairs.

{ name: "Alan", 
  tel: 2157786, 
  email: "a@abc.com"

Graph Model:

Nodes represent objects connected by labeled edges to values


The values themselves may be structures.

{ name: {first: "Alan", last: "Black" },
  tel: 2157786,
  email: "a@abc.com"


Duplicate labels allowed

{ name: "Alan", 
  tel: 2157786, 
  tel: 2498762

The syntax is easily generalized to describe sets of objects

{ person: { name: "Alan", tel: 2157786, email: "a@abc.com" },
  person: { name: "Sara", tel: 2136877, email: "sara@abc.com" },
  person: { name: "Fred", tel: 7786312, email: "fred@abc.com" }

All objects within a set need not have the same structure

{ person:{name: "Alan",tel: 2157786,email: "a@abc.com" },
  person:{name: {first: “Sara”,last: “Black”},email: “s@abc.com”},
  person:{name: “Fred”, tel: 7786312, height: 168}

Relational Data is easily represented

  r1: { row: {a: a1, b: b1, c: c1},
        row: {a: a2, b: b2, c: c2}
  r2: { row: {c: c2, d: d2},
        row: {c: c3, d: d3},
        row: {c: c4, d: d4}

Object-oriented data is also naturally represented (each node has a unique object id, either explicitly mentioned or system generated)

  person: &o1{ name: "Mary", age: 45, child: &o2, child: &o3 },             
  person: &o2{ name: "John", age: 17, relatives: { mother: &o1, sister: &o3 } },        
  person: &o3{ name: "Jane", country: "Canada", mother: &o1 }

Semistructured Data Model

Formal syntax for semi-structured data model

    <ssd-expr>     ::== <value> | oid <value> | oid
    <value>        ::== atomicvalue | <complexvalue>
    <complexvalue> ::== { label:<ssd-expr>, ..., label:<ssd-expr> }

A flexible and powerful data model that is capable of representing data that does not have to follow the strict rules of databases.

What is Self-describing Data?

Non-self-describing (relational, object-oriented):

    Data part:
         (#12345,  ["Students",   {["John Doe",   s111111111, [123, "Main St"]],
                                   ["Joe Public", s222222222, [321, "Pine St"]] }

   Schema part:
      PersonList[ ListName: String,
                  Contents: [ Name: String,
                              Id: String,
                              Address: [Number: Integer, Street: String]  ]


Attribute names embedded in the data itself, but are distinguished from values.

Doesn’t need schema to figure out what is what (but schema might be useful nonetheless)

     [ ListName: "Students",
       Contents:  { [ Name: "John Doe",
                      Id:  "s111111111",
                      Address: [ Number: 123, Street: "Main St" ] ] ,
                    [ Name: "Joe Public",
                      Id:  "s222222222",
                      Address: [ Number: 321, Street: "Pine St" ] ]  }

III. XML: eXtensible Markup Language

XML Elements

element: piece of text bounded by user-defined matching tags:



Collections are expressed using repeated structures.

Ex. The collection of all persons on the 4th floor:

  <description>People on the 4th floor</description>

XML Attributes

Attributes define some properties of elements

Expressed as a name-value pairs

  <name language="French">trompette six trous</name>
  <price currency="Euro">420.12</price>
  <address format="XLB56" language="French">
    <street>31 rue Croix-Bosset</street>

As with tags, user may define any number of attributes

Attribute values must be enclosed within quotation marks.

Attributes vs Elements

<person name="Alan" age="42">


<person name="Alan">

XML References

Use id attribute to define a reference (similar to oids)

Use idref attribute (possibly within an empty element) to refer to a previously defined reference.

Use idrefs attribute to refer to a set of references

 <state id="s2">          -- defines an id or a reference

 <city id="c2">
   <cname>Carson City</cname>
   <state-of idref="s2"/>    -- refers to object called s2;

Mixing Elements and Text

XML allows us to mix PCDATA and sub-elements within an element.

  This is my best friend
  I am not sure of the following email address

This seems un-natural from a database perspective, but from a document perspective, this is quite natural!


The semi-structured data model is based on unordered collections, whereas XML is ordered. The following two pieces of semi-structured data are equivalent:

    person: {fname: "John", lname: "Smith:} 
    person: {lname: "Smith", fname: "John"}

but the following two XML data are not:


To make matters worse (-:, attributes are NOT ordered in XML; Following two are equivalent:

    <person fname="John" lname="Smith"/>
    <person lname="Smith" fname="John"/>

Other XML Constructs


    <!-- this is a comment -->

Processing Instruction (PI):

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="classes.xsl"?>

Such instructions are passed on to applications that process XML files.

CDATA (Character Data):

used to write escape blocks containing text that otherwise would be considered markup:

<![CDATA[<start>this is not an element</start>]]>


&lt stands for <

Well-Formed XML Documents

An XML document is well-formed if

An XML document must be well-formed before it can be processed.

A well-formed XML document will parse into a node-labeled tree




XML Data Model (DOM Tree)
