Csc 8711, Databases and the Web - Project 4
Due: Sunday, April 7thIndividual Assignment.
RDF/Jena API/SPARQL/Web Browser
This project introduces you to Jena API (a Java API for RDF/OWL Ontologies) and SDB, a SPARQL Database Engine.- Visit Jena API and study the Tutorial.
- Visit SDB - A SPARQL Database for Jena and study the Tutorial.
- Load the Nobel Prize Ontology Data into SDB.
Protege IDE (use this to open the OWL files and browse the Ontology). - Build a Java servlets based Web site to browse the Nobel Prize Ontology.
Jena SDB and Servlets - Sample code and instructions
SDB setup and loading KB
Here are the commands to configure and load a SDB triple store with KB:- Step 1: Create a configuration file sdb-mysql.ttl with the following contents:
@prefix sdb: <> . @prefix rdfs: <> . @prefix rdf: <> . @prefix ja: <> . <store> rdf:type sdb:Store ; sdb:layout "layout2" ; sdb:connection <conn> ; sdb:engine "InnoDB" ; # MySQL specific . <conn> rdf:type sdb:SDBConnection ; sdb:sdbType "MySQL" ; # Needed for JDBC URL sdb:sdbHost "localhost" ; sdb:sdbName "your-mysql-database-name" ; sdb:driver "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver" ; sdb:sdbUser "your-mysql-id" ; sdb:sdbPassword "your-mysql-password" ; .
Please replace sdbName, sdbUser, and sdbPassword values with your mysql account information. - Step 2: Then, run the following commands:
$ sdbconfig --sdb=sdb-mysql.ttl --create $ sdbload --sdb=sdb-mysql.ttl nobel.owl $ sdbload --sdb=sdb-mysql.ttl nobeldata.owl