CSc 8711, Spring 2011

Assignment 1 - Conference Registration Website

Due: 28 January, 2011

Using PhP/MySQL (and some Javascript), implement a Web-based system to enable registration of conference participants. Some of the participants will have papers to present at the conference while others will be simply attending. Each paper MUST be registered (i.e. paid for) by one of the authors. The initial screen should be as follows:

The registration information to be captured is discussed below:

Upon submitting the data, a summary of the registration should be displayed as shown below:

The summary page should have a submit button. Upon clicking this, the payment should be processed (i.e. an entry in the payment table should be made). Ideally this should take the user to a payment processing system such as paypal, but we will skip this part in this assignment.

Report Generation

You should also code the following report pages: These should be formatted appropriately.

Some Remarks