CSc 8711, Spring 2009

Assignment 1 (Springer-Verlag LNCS Proceedings)

Due: 23 January, 2009

Using PhP/MySQL, implement a Web-based system to enable the task of producing Springer-Verlag LNCS style proceeding files. The data content for this project includes the following tables:

  ANO          integer
  fname        varchar30
  lname        varchar30
  email        varchar50

  PNO          integer  % -1, -2 for invited, 1,2,3 for regular
  title        varchar250
  numPages     integer
  mainFileName varchar250
  invited      char(1)  % y/n
  PNO          integer
  ANO          integer
  aOrder       integer % 1 for 1st author, 2 for 2nd author,...
  correspond   char(1) % y/n

  SNO          integer %1,2,3,...
  PNO          integer
  latexComment varchar256
The following functionality must be implemented: To generate the table of contents and the author index, you need to prompt the user for the "Order" of the papers. Use this Web Form.