CSc 8711, Spring 2009
Assignment 1 (Springer-Verlag LNCS Proceedings)
Due: 23 January, 2009
Using PhP/MySQL, implement a Web-based system to enable the task of
producing Springer-Verlag LNCS style proceeding files. The data content
for this project includes the following tables:
ANO integer
fname varchar30
lname varchar30
email varchar50
PNO integer % -1, -2 for invited, 1,2,3 for regular
title varchar250
numPages integer
mainFileName varchar250
invited char(1) % y/n
PNO integer
ANO integer
aOrder integer % 1 for 1st author, 2 for 2nd author,...
correspond char(1) % y/n
SNO integer %1,2,3,...
PNO integer
latexComment varchar256
The following functionality must be implemented:
- Add/Edit/Delete AUTHORS; Edit only the fname, lname, email fields.
- Add/Edit/Delete PAPERS; Edit title, numPages, mainFileName, invited
fields. In addition, add/delete/edit (correspond field)/re-order authors.
- Reporting Functions: Produce the following reports:
To generate the table of contents and the author index, you need to
prompt the user for the "Order" of the papers. Use this
Web Form.
- The project will be graded for correctness as well as user
friendly interface. Javascript should be used to enhance the interface.
- The table of contents and author index LaTeX code should be stored in the
file system and links to download them should be provided. PDF files should
be generated and links to download them should be displayed as well.
- The README and List of Address also should be stored in the file system
and links to download them should be provided.