CSc 8711. Databases and the Web
Spring 2005, Programming Project 3 (MyRSS Portal)
Due: 13 March, 2005

In this project you will build a Web-based RSS portal using Java servlets. The portal should allow you organize a collection of your favorite RSS-feeds in a hierarchical manner with high level CATEGORIES (such as NEWS, SPORTS, JOB-HUNT, CONFERENCES etc.) and SUB-CATEGORIES (such as FOOTBALL, CRICKET, BASEBALL, etc. under SPORTS), and possibly SUB-SUB-CATEGORIES (such as INDIA, AUSTRALIA, PAKISTAN, etc. under CRICKET). Let us assume that there are only 3 levels of categories. Your favorite RSS feeds will be distributed under these various categories (at any level decided by the user).

The user interface for your portal should contain 3 panels:

The user should be allowed to add and delete feeds. This can be done in a separate panel. The user should be allowed to enter the feed URL and a position in the hierarchy of categories (such as /SPORTS/CRICKET/INDIA or /NEWS/NATIONAL).

You may design a suitable database table(s) to store your hierarchy of categories and feeds. You should not store the items from a feed in the database as this is expected to be dynamic (possible changing often).

Some RSS resources:

RSS Feeds Databases