- Include the "authid current_user" phrase in each package specification as follows:
create or replace package pkg-name authid current_user as
If you are using a package (highly recommended!), this is sufficient.
This phrase is not required in the package body definition.
If you are not using a package, then you must include this phrase in each stored procedure
and function that you define in a similar position in the definition.
- Make sure that ALL "CALLS" to your stored procedures and functions include
your Oracle userid as a prefix (user.package.procedure). Even if one of them does
not have the userid prefix, that call would fail when we grade your project.
- Grant execute privileges to me and my grader on each package as follows:
grant execute on pkg-name to raj;
grant execute on pkg-name to haibin;
If you are not using packages then this must be done on each stored procedure and
- By the deadline, make sure that your code is compiled into your database and
the grants have been given.
- Submit a printout of your code - Make sure that "identifying" information is
present on top of the printout. Also, include the starting URL at the top - so that we
know how to start your project.
- Also, electronically submit all code using the following Unix command:
handin8711 1 file1 file2 file3 etc
Here 1 is the assignment number. You will use 2, 3, etc for subsequent assignments.
You should see a SUCCESS message after submission for each file.
The following alias command should be present in your .cshrc file:
alias handin8711 /export/home/csc8711/bin/handin
For a few of you who had accounts created in past semesters, this command
may not be present. Please include it in your .cshrc file if not present.