CSc 8711. Databases and the Web
Fall 2001, HW 7 (Wrapper-Oracle XMLSQL API)
Due: Thursday, November 22

This project involves 3 parts:
  1. Write a wrapper program in Java that visits the website and converts boxscores of games in the 2001-2002 regular season into XML.
  2. Use the Oracle XMLSQL API to load the XML data into database tables.
  3. Generate season statistics page on request. (GUI will be given later).
Once the programs are verified to be running correctly, the first two programs can be run every morning for the previous days games. This way the statistics page will be current!


  1. The monthly schedule is available at the URL The URLs for the individual boxscores are embedded within these schedule pages.
  2. A sample boxscore in html is boxscore.html
  3. A sample XML file is BoxScore.xml (Note: This file may need to be transformed into another format suitable for XSQL Utility to use. If this is the case, you may choose to modify the wrapper program to produce xml data in the format the XSQL Utility likes or you may write an XSLT program to transform the format).
  4. SQL Schema for database tables is available at schema.sql
  5. Java code to retrieve html content of a URL is available at