CSc 8711. Databases and the Web
Fall 2001, Programming Project 3 (Movie XML Database in Lore)
Due: Tuesday, October 2nd

The project consists of 4 parts:
  1. The first part requires each of you to collect data on one movie from The format of the data should be as follows (note: there should be no space after the begin lt symbol in the start and end tags; I could not get rid of it in the html source!):
    < db>
    < movies>
    < movie id="godfatherthe">
      < title>Godfather, The< /year>
      < year>1972< /year>
      < directors>
        < director idref="francisfordcoppola"/>
      < /directors>
      < genres>
        < genre>Crime< /genre>
        < genre>Drama< /genre>
      < /genres>
      < plot>A Mafia boss' son, previously uninvolved in the business, takes over when his father is critically wounded in a mob hit.
      < /plot>
      < cast>
        < performer>
          < actor idref="marlonbrando"/>
          < role>Don Vito Corleone< /role>
        < /performer>
        < performer>
          < actor idref="alpacino"/>
          < role>Michael Corleone< /role>
        < /performer>
        < performer>
          < actor idref="dianekeaton"/>
          < role>Kay Adams Corleone< /role>
        < /performer>
        < performer>
          < actor idref="robertduvall"/>
          < role>Tom Hagen< /role>
        < /performer>
        < performer>
          < actor idref="jamescaan"/>
          < role>Santino "Sonny" Corleone< /role>
        < /performer>
      < /cast>
    < /movie>
    < /movies>
    < performers>
    < performer id="marlonbrando">
      < name>Marlon Brando Jr.< /name>
      < dob>3 April, 1924< /dob>
      < pob>Omaha, Nebraska< /pob>
      < actedin>
        < movie idref="godfather"/>
        < movie idref="apocalypsenow"/>
      < /actedin>
      < directs>
        < movie idref="xx"/>
      < /directs>
    < /performer>
    < /performers>
    < /db>
    The movies are assigned as follows:
    cscangx Godfather, The (1972)
    cscanwx Shawshank Redemption, The (1994)
    cscbnlx Schindler's List (1993)
    cscbnwx Citizen Kane (1941
    cschhwx Casablanca (1942)
    cschnkx Godfather: Part II, The (1974)
    cschnwx Star Wars (1977)
    cscjghx Shichinin no samurai (1954)
    cscjngx Memento (2000)
    cscjshx One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (1975)
    csckdnx Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb (1964)
    csclnlx Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)
    csclnmx Rear Window (1954)
    cscmntx American Beauty (1999)
    cscnnnx Usual Suspects, The (1995)
    cscpnbx Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back (1980)
    cscpnxx Psycho (1960)
    csctnsx Pulp Fiction (1994)
    cscvcsx Silence of the Lambs, The (1991)
    cscvnbx North by Northwest (1959)
    cscwncx It's a Wonderful Life (1946)
    cscxncx Wo hu cang long (2000)
    cscxnfx Goodfellas (1990)
    cscxnhx Lawrence of Arabia (1962)
    cscyglx 12 Angry Men (1957)
    cscyllx Saving Private Ryan (1998)
    mathqnx Vertigo (1958)
    cscpnhx Taxi Driver (1976)
    cscmasx L.A. Confidential (1997)
    By Thursday (20th Sept), I would like for each of you to create the movie element assigned to you. For each movie you should also prepare the top 5 performers XML file. I would like for you to prepare two separate files: movie.xml and performer.xml and keep them in your home directories for me to copy and integrate. The movie.xml file should contain one movie element and the performer.xml should contain 5 performer elements (without the enclosing performers tag). Also, in a separate text file called performers.txt please include the idref (one per line) of each of your performers. I will use this file to eliminate duplicates when I integrate the data.
  2. The second part of the project requires you to write and execute Lorel queries for the following:
    1. Get the name and place of birth of all performers in the movie "Taxi Driver".
    2. Get the title and year of all movies in which "Al Pacino" has acted.
    3. Get the number of movies in which "Marlon Brando" has acted.
    4. Get the titles of movies along with their director names.
    5. Get the number of movies whose titles begins with the letter "G".
    Please submit a screen capture.
  3. The third part of the project requires you to write a program in C++ which implements the following menu-based system:
        MAIN MENU
      (1) Given the year, print all movie titles and their director names
          for movies made in that year.
      (2) Print the top 5 actor names in descending order of 
          number of movies they have acted in.
      (3) Given a movie title, list all information about that movie,
          inlcuding names and roles played by all performers.
          The report should be formatted nicely.
      (4) Given a genre, list all movie titles and their year of release.
      (5) Quit
    The program should use the Lore/C++ API to get the data from the Lore database.
  4. The fourth and final part requires you to convert the terminal application of part 3 into a Web application using CGI programming technique. In addition a genre based browsing interface should be implemented. The exact Web interface is present here.