CSc 8711. Databases and the Web
Fall 2001, Programming Project 2 (Oracle Data Browser)
Due: Tuesday, September 18th

Using Java Servlets, implement an Oracle Data Browser. The Oracle Data Browser should allow an existing Oracle database user to examine his or her schema and data contents. Upon logging in to the database, the user should be presented with this initial Web Page.

The five menu options on the left frame are:
  1. Browse Tables: This option presents the user with a pull-down list of tables in his or her schema. Upon choosing one and submitting it, the table schema should be displayed on the right hand side frame (Table Schema Display). The table schema display includes one check box per column of the table and a submit button. The user may choose zero or more checkboxes and click the submit button. The contents of the table (only those columns chosen or all columns if none of the checkboxes are chosen) should be displayed in the same right hand side frame upon the submit (Table Contents Display).

  2. Browse Procedures:This option presents the user with a pull-down list of stored procedures in his or her schema. Upon choosing one and submitting it, the stored procedure source code should be displayed on the right hand side frame (Procedure Display).

  3. Browse Functions: Similar to Browse Procedures.

  4. Browse Packages: Similar to Browse Procedures except that only the package specification should be displayed along with a submit button (Package Display), which when clicked should display the package body in the same right hand side frame (Package Body Display).

  5. Browse Views: This option presents the user with a pull-down list of views in his or her schema. Upon choosing one and submitting it, the view definition should be displayed on the right hand side frame along with a submit button (View Display), which when clicked, should execute the view and display the current value of the view in the same right hand side frame (View Result Display).