CSc 8711. Databases and the Web
Fall 2001, Programming Project 1 (Query Schemas)
Due: Thursday, August 30

Employing the PL/SQL Cartridge, implement the Query Schema System. The Query Schema System allows users to define "Query Schemas" on databases and to invoke these query schemas. Query schemas are essentially query interfaces which allow users to query relational databases. Upon logging in to the database, the user should be presented with this initial Web Page.

Upon choosing the database to work with, the user is presented with a two-frame page. The left frame provides links to invoke query schemas currently defined for the database as well as three main menu options:
  1. New Query Schema: This option allows the user to create a new query schema. The workspace for this process is the right frame.

  2. Delete Query Schema:This option presents the user with a pull-down list of all query schema names for the database. Upon choosing one and submitting it, the corresponding query schema is deleted from the system.

  3. Display Database Schema: This option should display the database schema in the left frame itself.
The Query Schema system organizes the information in a relational database with the schema and sample instance. In addition, you will need to create tables and populate the individual databases known to the Query Schema System.