CSc 8710 Deductive Databases and Logic Programming
Fall 1998
Due: December 14th, 1998
Create a large EDB for the databases.
The number of iterations each of the algorithms will take should be
at least 20. Also, there should be at least 100 rows in each of the base
Write programs to answer queries in the following databases using
- Naive Evaluation of original rules
- Semi-Naive Evaluation of original rules
- Semi-Naive Evaluation of transformed rules (magic-set transformation).
The magic-set transformation of the rules will be done manually.
Bill of Materials Database
sub_part(X,Y,Q,T) :- comp(X,Y,Q,T).
sub_part(X,Y,Q,T) :- comp(Z,Y,Q2,T), sub_part(X,Z,Q1,T1),
Q is Q1 * Q2.
look_for(P,Y,Q) :- sub_part(P,Y,Q,b).
basic_comp(P,B,sum(<Q>)) :- look_for(P,B,Q).
temp_cost(P,X) :- basic_comp(P,B,Q), price(B,C), X is Q * C.
cost(P,sum(<C>)) :- temp_cost(P,C).
Anti-Trust Database
controls(Comp1,Comp2) :- has_shares(Comp1,Comp2,N), N > 50.
market(Comp1,Mrkt,Qty) :- company(Comp1,Mrkt,Qty).
market(Comp1,Mrkt,Qty) :- controls(Comp1,Comp2), market(Comp2,Mrkt,Qty).
inquire(Comp,Mrkt,sum(<Quota>)) :- market(Comp,Mrkt,Quota).
find_trust(Mrkt,Comp,Total) :- trust_limit(Mrkt,Threshold),
Total > Threshold.
Flights Database
reaches(X,Y) :- flights(_,X,Y,_,_).
reaches(X,Y) :- flights(_,X,Z,_,_), reaches(Z,Y).
connects(X,Y,D,A) :- flights(_,X,Y,FD,FA), FD >= D, FA <= A.
connects(X,Y,D,A) :- flights(_,X,Z,FD,FA), FD >= D, connects (Z,Y,FD2,A),
FD2 >= FA+100.
Siblings-Cousins-Related Database
sibling(X,Y) :- parent(X,Z), parent(Y,Z), X <> Y.
cousin(X,Y) :- parent(X,Xp), parent(Y,Yp), sibling(Xp,Yp).
cousin(X,Y) :- parent(X,Xp), parent(Y,Yp), cousin(Xp,Yp).
related (X,Y) :- sibling(X,Y).
related(X,Y) :- related(X,Z), parent(Y,Z).
related(X,Y) :- related(Z,Y), parent(X,Z).
- For each of the algorithms, you must track the amount of
database activity (such as number of insert statements executed)
and report them in the results. We expect to see an improvement in
the semi-naive over the naive and of the magic-sets over non-magic sets.
- The project will be done in groups of 3 or 4. Exceptions will be made
for smaller groups. The number of databases for which the programs will
be developed will be equal to the number of members in the group.
- A professional report must be submitted and will count for 30% of the
project grade.