JDBC Connect String on tinman:
try { conn = DriverManager.getConnection ( "jdbc:oracle:thin:@tinman.cs.gsu.edu:1521:sid9ir2", "userid","password"); } catch (SQLException e1) { out.println("Error connecting to Oracle:"+e1.getMessage()); return; }
sibling(X,Y) :- parent(X,Z), parent(Y,Z), X <> Y. cousin(X,Y) :- parent(X,Xp), parent(Y,Yp), sibling(Xp,Yp). cousin(X,Y) :- parent(X,Xp), parent(Y,Yp), cousin(Xp,Yp). related (X,Y) :- sibling(X,Y). related(X,Y) :- related(X,Z), parent(Y,Z). related(X,Y) :- related(Z,Y), parent(X,Z).Keep track of the total number of SQL "insert" statements that are submitted to the server for each IDB predicate. Print the number of inserts for each predicate.
query(X) :- cousin("tom",X).The magic sets transformed IDB is:
magic_cousin_bf("tom"). magic_cousin_bf(Xp) :- parent(X,Xp), magic_cousin_bf(X). magic_sibling_bf(Xp) :- parent(X,Xp), magic_cousin_bf(X). query(X) :- cousin_bf(h,X). cousin_bf(X,Y) :- parent(X,Xp), parent(Y,Yp), sibling_bf(Xp,Yp), magic_cousin_bf(X). cousin_bf(X,Y) :- parent(X,Xp), parent(Y,Yp), cousin_bf(Xp,Yp), magic_cousin_bf(X). sibling_bf(X,Y) :- parent(X,Z), parent(Y,Z), X <> Y, magic_sibling_bf(X).Keep track of the total number of SQL "insert" statements that are submitted to the server for each IDB predicate.