CSc 8710 DDLP
Exam 1 Solutions; Fall 2002
(1) CLAIM: F is satisfiable
PROOF: Consider the interpretation I such that
Domain(I) = {a,b}; I(P) = {(a),(b)}, I(Q) = {(a)}
F is TRUE under I
CLAIM: F is not a tautology
PROOF: Consider the interpretation I such that
Domain(I) = {a, b}; I(P) = {(a)}, I(Q) = {(b)}
F is FALSE under I
CLAIM: G is satisfiable
PROOF: Consider the interpretation I such that
Domain(I) = {a,b}; I(P) = {(a)}, I(Q) = {(a)}
G is TRUE under I
ALTERNATE PROOF: Follows from the fact that G is a tautology
CLAIM: G is a tautology.
PROOF (BY CONTRADICTION): Let G not be a tautology. Then
there is an interpretation I in which G is FALSE i.e.
(1) (Exists X)P(X) --> (Forall X)Q(X) is TRUE in I and
(2) (Forall X)(P(X) --> Q(X)) is FALSE in I.
Since (2) is FALSE, there must be some a in Domain(I) such
that P(a) is TRUE and Q(a) is FALSE.
Since there is an "a" for which P(a) is TRUE, (Exists X)P(X)
is TRUE in I. Hence, by (1) (Forall X)Q(X) must be TRUE; in
particular Q(a) must be TRUE, a contradiction!
(Exists X)P(X) --> (Forall X)Q(X)
implies not (Exists X)P(X) V (Forall X)Q(X)
implies (Forall X)not P(X) V (Forall X)Q(X)
implies (Forall X)(not P(X) V Q(X))
implies (Forall X)(P(X) --> Q(X))
Therefore, (Exists X)P(X) --> (Forall X)Q(X) -->
(Forall X)(P(X) --> Q(X)) is a tautology
(2) (a) NO
(b) NO
(c) YES; mgu = { John <-- 1, X <-- kisses, Mary <-- kisses }
(d) YES; mgu = { H <-- c, Y <-- [a,c|T], Z <-- [b,a,b], X <-- [c|T] }
(e) NO
(3) ?-maxlist([4,6,5],M).
| (Rule 2)
| {H' <-- 4, T' <-- [6,5], Max' <-- M}
?-maxlist([6,5],MaxT'), max(4,MaxT',M).
| (Rule 2)
| {H'' <-- 6, T'' <-- [5], Max'' <-- MaxT'}
?-maxlist([5],MaxT''), max(6,MaxT'',maxT'), max(4,MaxT',M).
| (Rule 1)
| {MaxT'' <-- 5}
?-max(6,5,maxT'), max(4,MaxT',M).
{X<-6,Y<-5,MaxT'<-6} / \ {X<-6,Y<-5,MaxT'<-5}
(Rule 3) / \ (Rule 4)
?-6>5,max(4,6,M) ?-6<=5,max(4,5,M)
{M <- 4} / \ {M <- 6}
(Rule 3) / \ (Rule 4)
?-4>6 ?-4<=6
(4) (a) Yes
(b) No
(c) L1 = [p,e,i,e,t]
L2 = [r,s,d,n]
(d) L1 = [3,7,8,1,0]
L2 = [4,1,9,2,12]
q1(L) is true if list L = reverse(L) (palindrome!)
q2(L,L1,L2) is true if L1 contains every alternate element
from L starting at position 1 and L2 contains every
alternate element from L starting at position 2.
(5) separate([],[],[]).
separate([A|T],[A|M],F) :- male(A,_), separate(T,M,F).
separate([A|T],M,[A|F]) :- female(A,_), separate(T,M,F).
separate([A|T],M,F) :- not male(A,_), not female(A,_), separate(T,M,F).
(6) (a) {a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,red,blue,green}
(b) 3x11x11x11 = 3993
(c) Tp1 = { leg(red,a,b), leg(red,b,c), leg(red,c,d), leg(blue,f,c),
leg(blue,c,e), leg(green,h,e), leg(green,e,g),
interchange(red,blue,c), interchange(blue,green,e) }
Tp2 = Tp1 U
{ trip(red,a,b), trip(red,b,c), trip(red,c,d), trip(blue,f,c),
trip(blue,c,e), trip(green,h,e), trip(green,e,g) }
Tp3 = Tp2 U
{ trip(red,a,c), trip(red,b,d), trip(red,b,e), trip(blue,f,e),
trip(blue,c,g), trip(green,h,g) }
Tp4 = Tp3 U
{ trip(red,a,d), trip(red,a,e), trip(red,b,g),
trip(blue,f,g), trip(red,a,g) }
Tp5 = Tp4
(7) Tp(I) =
{ edge(a,b), edge(b,c), edge(c,d), edge(d,e), edge(e,f), edge(f,g),
path(a,c), path(c,e), path(e,g) }
Tp(Tp((I))) =
{ edge(a,b), edge(b,c), edge(c,d), edge(d,e), edge(e,f), edge(f,g),
path(a,b), path(b,c), path(c,d), path(d,e), path(e,f), path(f,g),
path(a,e), path(c,g) }
Tp(Tp(Tp((I)))) =
{ edge(a,b), edge(b,c), edge(c,d), edge(d,e), edge(e,f), edge(f,g),
path(a,b), path(b,c), path(c,d), path(d,e), path(e,f), path(f,g),
path(a,c), path(b,d), path(c,e), path(d,f), path(e,g),
path(a,f), path(b,g) }