CSc 8710. DDLP
Fall 2000, HW 5 (Geography Database in ObjectStore)
Due: Monday, November 6th

The project consists of 3 parts:
  1. Part I: Design an object database for the geo.xml database.
  2. Part II: Write a program in Java that populates an ObjectStore database with the data.
  3. Part III: Write a program in Java which implements the following menu-based system:
        MAIN MENU
      (1) Given the first letter of a state, print all states along
          with their capital city names.
      (2) Print the top 5 populated states in descending order of population.
      (3) Given a state name, list all information about that state,
          inlcuding capital city, population, state nickname, major
          cities, etc. The report should be formatted nicely.
      (4) Print an alphabetical count of number of states for each letter of
          the English alphabet. (Nicely formatted; 4 letter counts to a line).
          The count is the number of states whose names begin with the letter.
      (5) Quit
    The Java program should access the ObjectStore database created in Part II.
Some instructions on how to compile and execute ObjectStore programs:
  -- Please copy ~raj/.cshrc and ~raj/.alias one more time into
     your home directories so that you can start using ObjectStore

  create directory for assignment
  $ mkdir ~/8710/os/geo
  create directory for annotated class files
  $ mkdir ~/8710/os/geo/Classes
  move to geo directory
  $cd ~8710/os/geo
  Now, create java files corresponding to Database classes here.
  e.x., and go here
  compile these files using
  $javac *.java
  create a file, called cfpargs, containing one entry per class which
  you want to make persistent. example: 
  The following command will produce annotated files that makes database
  objects persistent.
  $osjcfp -dest Classes @cfpargs
  Move to Classes directory
  $cd Classes
  Now, create your application programs here. Ex. and files go here.
  Run the application programs
  $java createData movie.odb
  $java readData movie.odb