import sys from Student import * from Students import * from Course import * from Courses import * # Open three files, courses.dat, students.dat, and grades.dat, present in directory dname # Read the data and construct the courses and students objects # Return the two objects as a pair (see main() for the order) def load_data(dname): # load course data courses = Courses() fname = dname+"/courses.dat" with open(fname,"r") as f: lines = for line in lines: cno,ctitle,credits = line.split(":") course = Course(cno,ctitle,int(credits)) # course object courses.add_course(course) f.close() # load student data pass # load the grades data pass # Store data from courses and students objects into three files, courses.dat, students.dat, and # grades.dat in the folder named dname; Use same format as when you loaded the data def store_data(courses,students,dname): pass def main(): courses,students = load_data(sys.argv[1]) #print(courses) #print(students) print("\nWelcome to Grades Database Program\n") while True: command = input("p, s sname, m major, g gpa, a sname:cno:grade, c sname:cno:grade, q: ").strip() if len(command) < 1: print("\nInvalid command!\n") continue elif command[0] == 'p': print(students) elif command[0] == 's': sname = command[2:].strip() s = students.get_student(sname) if s != None: print(s) else: print("\n"+sname+" NOT FOUND\n") elif command[0] == 'm': major = command[2:].strip() ss = students.get_students_by_major(major) print() if len(ss) > 0: for s in ss: print(s[0]+"\t"+str(s[1])) else: print("NO Students FOUND!") print() elif command[0] == 'g': try: gg = float(command[2:].strip()) except: print("\nInvalid GPA Search!\n") continue ss = students.get_students_by_gpa(gg) print() if len(ss) > 0: for s in ss: print(s[0]+"\t"+s[1]+"\t"+str(s[2])) else: print("NO Students FOUND!") print() elif command[0] == 'a': #a sname:cno:grade record = command[2:].strip().split(":") if len(record) != 3: print("\nInvalid input to add course!\n") continue student = students.get_student(record[0]) if student == None: print("\nInvalid Student. Cannot add course grade.\n") continue course = courses.get_course(record[1]) if course == None: print("\nInvalid Course. Cannot add course grade.\n") continue if record[2].upper() not in ['A','B','C','D','F']: print("\nInvalid Grade. Cannot change course grade.\n") continue else: student.add_course_grade((course,record[2].upper())) print("\n",record," ADDED\n") elif command[0] == 'c': #c sname:cno:grade record = command[2:].strip().split(":") if len(record) != 3: print("\nInvalid input to change course grade!\n") continue student = students.get_student(record[0]) if student == None: print("\nInvalid Student. Cannot change course grade.\n") continue if student.takes_course(record[1]): if record[2].upper() in ['A','B','C','D','F']: student.update_course_grade(record[1],record[2]) print("\nGRADE CHANGED\n") else: print("\nInvalid Grade. Cannot change course grade.\n") continue else: print("\nInvalid Course. Cannot change course grade.\n") continue print() elif command[0] == 'q': break else: print("\nInvalid command\n") store_data(courses,students,sys.argv[1]) print("\nBye!\n") main()