A function within a class is referred to as a method d1 = Date(7,20,2021) d2 = Date(7,21,2021) d3 = Date(10,28,1958) constructor method __init__ mandatory pretty print method __str__ optional, but good to write print(d1) 20 July, 2021 def tomorrow(self): days_in_month = {1:31, 2:28, }..... SPECIAL CASES for a last day of the month: case 1: last month (December) tomorrow would be Date(1,1,self._year+1) case 2: leap year february case 3: non-leap year february GENERAL CASE return Date(self._month,self._day+1,self._year) if c1: ... elif c2: ... elif c3: else: # general case return Date(self._month,self._day+1,self._year)