class ContactsLL:
# singly linked list of contacts with header node
def __init__(self):
self._head = Node("","","",None)
self._size = 0
def find(self,name):
# return contact if found else return None
p = self._head
found = False
while p._next != None and not found:
if name == p._next._name:
found = True
p = p._next
if found:
return (p._next._name,p._next._phone,p._next._address)
return None
def insert(self,contact):
# if contact not in list insert it and return True else return False
if self.find(contact[0]):
return False
n = Node(contact[0],contact[1],contact[2],self._head._next)
self._head._next = n
self._size = self._size + 1
return True
def delete(self,name):
# if contact found then delete it and return True else return False
if self.find(name) == None:
return False
p = self._head
found = False
while p._next != None and not found:
if name == p._next._name:
found = True
p = p._next
p._next = p._next._next
self._size = self._size - 1
return True
def update(self,contact):
def size(self):
return self._size
def __str__(self):
p = self._head
result = "\n"
while p._next != None:
result = result + str(p._next)+"\n"
p = p._next
return result+"\n"