CSc 6710 Database Systems
Spring 2002 (Computer Number: 5556)
9.00 to 12.20 F, Room: 209 CS (Classroom South)
Instructor: Dr. Raj Sunderraman (758 COE, 651-0672,,
Office hours: 1.00 to 2.00 F)
Course Web Page:
Course Objective:
To introduce the student to the fundamental concepts and
principles that underlie modern-day database systems.
Catalog Description:
An introduction to the fundamental concepts and principles that underlie
the relational model of data. Topics include:
formal query languages such as relational algebra,
relational calculus, and Datalog; commercial query language SQL;
query optimization; relational database design theory;
physical database design, integrity, security, concurrency
control, and recovery.
Topics to be covered:
- Database concepts and architecture
- Relational data model; Database Integrity; Formal query languages
such as relational algebra, relational calculus, and Datalog;
Commercial query language SQL; Embedded-SQL
- Database design techniques; ER Modeling, object data modeling, relational database design theory;
- Object data model: ODL, OQL
- Advanced topics (as time permits): XML and Databases, Deductive databases,
Web access to databases, JDBC, SQLJ, Transactions and
Concurrency Control, Recovery.
Pre-requisites: CSc 3410, Data Structures (implicit in this
pre-requiste is the fact that Discrete Mathematics, Math 2420, is also
required); Strong programming experience in Java and C/C++ required.
Basic Unix skills also required.
- Database System Concepts, Fourth Edition
by Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan,
Prentice Hall, 2002,
ISBN: 0-07-228363-7
Book Web Page
- Oracle8 Programming: A Primer
by R. Sunderraman,
Addison-Wesley, 2000,
ISBN 0-201-61258-5
Book Web Page
Old Edition
Web Page
Grading Policy: The grading for this course will be based upon
the following components:
- 3 Exams worth 25% each
- Several homework and programming assignments worth
25%. NOTE: All assignments will be submitted
in a typed format (no hand written assignments) with proper identifying
No exceptions will be made. Late submission policy:
Assignments can be turned in until one week after the
deadline for a 20% penalty. No assignment will be accepted
after one week.
The final letter grade will be determined based on the following
Withdrawal Date: March 11, 2001 (Monday)
Academic Honesty Policy The academic honesty policy as described
in the University Faculty Handbook as well as the Student Handbook will be
strictly enforced. Please review the document
- All assignments are supposed to be individual work and
any collaboration or cheating would result in a zero score for the assignment.
- A second incident of dishonest work will result in an automatic F grade
for the class.
- It is also the repsonsibility of each student to protect his or her work
including computer files etc from being extracted by others. Computer accounts
will be de-activated immediately if the student is found to have been
careless in maintaining his or her files (i.e. has kept them open for
others to read!). If such carelessness results in another student
copying the computer files and submitting them for the assignments all students
involved will automatically get a zero for the assignment.
Raj Sunderraman