CSc 498 B/699 B Introduction to database systems
Spring Quarter 1998 (Computer Number: 1636/1642)
2.10 to 3.40 MWF, 430-S

Instructor: Dr. Raj Sunderraman (759 COE, 651-0672,

Course Objective: To introduce the student to the fundamental concepts and principles that underlie modern-day database systems.

Syllabus: Topics include:

  1. Database concepts and architecture
  2. Relational data model; formal query languages such as relational algebra, relational calculus, and Datalog; commercial query language SQL;
  3. Database design techniques; ER Modeling, relational database design theory;
  4. Advanced topics (as time permits): Deductive databases, Web access to databases, JDBC, Object-oriented databases.

Pre-requisites: CSc 231 and Math 220.


  1. Elmasri and Navathe, Fundamentals of Database Systems, Second Edition, Addison-Wesley, 1994.
  2. R. Sunderraman, Oracle Programming - A Primer
Grading Policy: The grading for this course will be based upon the following components:
  1. Exam 1 worth 25%
  2. Exam 2 worth 25%
  3. Several homework and programming assignments worth 25%.
  4. Course project worth 25%.

Additional Requirement for CSC 699 B students: Additional problems in the homework and programming assignments.

The final letter grade will be determined based on the following criteria:

Raj Sunderraman