LOAD DATA INFILE <dataFile> APPEND INTO TABLE <tableName> FIELDS TERMINATED BY '<separator>' (<list of all attribute names to load>)
1|foo 2|bar 3| bazRecall that the attribute list of test specified in test.ctl is (i, s), where i has the type int, and s has the type char(10). As the result of loading test.dat, the following tuples are inserted into test:
(1, 'foo') (2, 'bar') (3, ' baz')Warning: Note that the third line of test.dat has a blank after "|". This blank is not ignored by the loader. The value to be loaded for attribute s is ' baz', a four-character string with a leading blank. It is a common mistake to assume that 'baz', a three-character string with no leading blank, will be loaded instead. This can lead to some very frustrating problems that you will not notice until you try to query your loaded data, because ' baz' and 'baz' are different strings.
sqlload userid=<yourName>/<yourPasswd> control=<ctlFile> log=<logFile>where <yourName> is your Oracle login and <yourPasswd> is your Oracle password. The safer form of login, where you give only your login name and let the system prompt you for password applies to sqlload as well. <ctlFile> is the name of the control file. If no file name extension is provided, sqlload will assume the default extension ".ctl". The name of the data file is not needed on the command line because it is specified within the control file. Finally, you may designate <logFile> as the log file. If no file name extension is provided, ".log" will be assumed. sqlload will fill the log file with relevant information about the bulk load operation, such as the number of tuples loaded, and a description of errors that may have occurred.
As a concrete example, if sally, with password etaoinshrdlu, wishes to run the control file test.ctl and have the log output stored in test.log, then she should type
sqlload userid=sally/etaoinshrdlu control=test.ctl log=test.log
LOAD DATA INFILE * INTO TABLE test FIELDS TERMINATED BY '|' (i, s) BEGINDATA 1|foo 2|bar 3| bazThe trick is to specify "*" as the name of the data file, and use BEGINDATA to start the data section in the control file.
CREATE TABLE foo ( i int, d date );In the control file, when you describe the attributes of foo being loaded, you follow the attribute d by its type DATE and a date mask. A date mask specifies the format your date data will use. It is a quoted string with the following conventions:
LOAD DATA INFILE * INTO TABLE foo FIELDS SEPARATED BY '|' (i, d DATE 'dd-mm-yyyy') BEGINDATA 1|01-01-1990 2|4-1-1998Notice that, as illustrated by the second tuple above, a field can be shorter than the corresponding field in the date mask. The punctuation "-" tells the loader that the day and month fields of the second tuple terminate early.