Tuple Relational Calculus: Query Language for Relational Databases

Query Examples: (These are the queries from problem 6.19 of the
  El-Masri/Navathe text).

(1) Get names of all employees in department 5 who work more than 10
    hours/week on the ProductX project.

    { t.fname, t.minit, t.lname | 
          employee(t) and 
          (Exists w)(Exists p)(works_on(w) and project(p) and
                               t.ssn = w.essn and w.pno = p.pnumber and
                               w.hours >= 10 and p.pname = 'ProductX') }
(2) Get names of all employees who have a dependent with the same first
    name as themselves.

    { t.fname, t.minit, t.lname | 
          employee(t) and 
          (Exists d)(dependent(d) and t.ssn = d.essn and 
                     t.fname = d.dependent_name) }

(3) Get the names of all employees who are directly supervised by
    Franklin Wong.

    { t.fname, t.minit, t.lname | 
          employee(t) and 
          (Exists e)(employee(e) and t.superssn = e.ssn and 
                     e.fname = 'Franklin' and e.lname = 'Wong') }

(4) Get the names of all employees who work on every project.

    { t.fname, t.minit, t.lname | 
          employee(t) and 
          (Forall p)(project(p) -> (Exists w)(works_on(w) and
                                              w.essn = t.ssn and
                                              e.pno = p.pnumber)) }

(5) Get the names of employees who do not work on any project.

    { t.fname, t.minit, t.lname | 
          employee(t) and 
          not (Exists w)(works_on(w) and w.essn = t.ssn) }

(6) Get the names and addresses of employees who work for at least one
    project located in Houston but whose department does not have a 
    location in Houston.

    { t.fname, t.minit, t.lname | 
          employee(t) and 
          (Exists w)(Exists p)(works_on(w) and project(p) and 
                               t.ssn = w.essn and w.pno = p.pnumber and
                               p.plocation = 'Houston') and
          not (Exists d)(dept_locations(d) and t.dno = d.dnumber and
                         d.dlocation = 'Houston') } 
(7) Get the names and addresses of employees who work for at least one
    project located in Houston or whose department does not have a 
    location in Houston. (Note: this is a slight variation of the
    previous query with 'but' replaced by 'or').

    { t.fname, t.minit, t.lname | 
          employee(t) and 
          ((Exists w)(Exists p)(works_on(w) and project(p) and 
                               t.ssn = w.essn and w.pno = p.pnumber and
                               p.plocation = 'Houston') or
          not (Exists d)(dept_locations(d) and t.dno = d.dnumber and
                         d.dlocation = 'Houston') ) } 
(8) Get the last names of all department managers who have no dependents.

    { t.lname | employee(t) and 
                (Exists d)(department(d) and t.ssn = d.mgrssn and 
                           not (Exists p)(dependent(p) and
                                          t.ssn = p.essn)) }