CSc4710/6710, Spring 1999
Project (Phase III)
Due: 6 May, 1999 (Thursday)

The third and final phase will deal with developing application program(s) to implement the functional requirements specified in Phase I of the project.

You may chose to implement the entire application via a terminal-based menu-system. If you are familiar with some GUI techniques, you may use it to develop a more user-friendly interface.

Some remarks:
  1. Try to distribute the work evenly among the group members. The idea is for every member in the group to make contributions.
  2. Describe the various functionalities of your database in the final chapters of the report and submit the final report (which includes Phase I and II).
  3. Include a section in the report which describes the contributions of each member of the group towards the project. Do not worry: I am not going to grade individuals according to their contributions, but if there is an obvious discrepancy in the amount of work (such as one member never showed up for meetings and never wrote any code!), I would like to know about it!
  4. Please schedule 30 minutes before May 6th for your project demonstration.