Homework #7, CSc 4710/6710, Spring 1999
                       Due: 13 April 1999

(1) Write and run a Pro*C/C++ program which shows the following menu:

    (a) Given department number, print information related
        to projects controlled by the department.
    (b) Given project number print information related to employees
        working in the project.
    (q) Quit
    Please enter your choice: 

When the user chooses option 

  (a) the program should prompt for a department number. A report with the
      following format should be produced:

                  DNO:   1
                  DNAME: Research

      Project No.   Project Name   Number of Employees   Number of Hours
        xx           xxxx              xx                  xxxx
        xx           xxxx              xx                  xxxx
        xx           xxxx              xx                  xxxx
        xx           xxxx              xx                  xxxx
      TOTALS:                         xxx                 xxxxx

  (b) the program should prompt for a project number. A report with the
      following format should be produced:

                  PNO:   xx
                  PNAME: xxxxxxxx

      Employee SSN  Employee LNAME  Salary     Number of Dependents
        xx           xxxx              xx                  xxxx
        xx           xxxx              xx                  xxxx
        xx           xxxx              xx                  xxxx
        xx           xxxx              xx                  xxxx