Homework #6, CSc 4710/6710, Spring 1999
                       Due: 13 April 1999

(1) Write and run a Java program which shows the following menu:

    (a) Find supervisees at all levels
    (b) Find 5 highest paid employees (list their ssn, name, salary)
    (c) Find 5 highest worked (in terms of hours worked) employees 
        (list their ssn, name, hourse worked)
    (q) Quit
    Please enter your choice: 

When the user chooses option 

  (a) the program should prompt for the last name 
      of an employee. If the name is not unique, the program should 
      list the SSN numbers of all the employees with the same last 
      name and ask the user to choose from the list.  The program should 
      then compute and print the ssn and names of all employees who work 
      under the given employee at all levels. 
      After this the program should display the menu again.

  (b) A listing of the 5 highest paid employees in the company should
      be produced. The listing should contain ssn, name and salary.

  (c) A listing of the 5 most worked employees (in terms of hours) 
      in the company. The listing should contain ssn, name and total
      hours worked.