Datalog: Query Language for Relational Databases


- Atomic Formula: 
  (1) p(x1, ..., xn) where p is a relation name and 
                           x1, ..., xn are either constants or variables.
  (2) x  y where x and y are either constants or variables and  is 
          one of the six comparison operators: <, <=, >, >=, =, !=

  Variables that appear only once in a rule can be replaced by 
  anonymous variables (represented by underscores). NOTE: Every
  anonymous variable is different from all other variables.

- Datalog rule:

    p :- q1, ..., qn.

  where p is an atomic formula and 
        q1, ..., qn are either atomic formula or 
             negated atomic formula (i.e. atomic formula preceded by not)
        p is referred to as the head of the rule.
        q1, ..., qn are referred to as subgoals.

- Safe Datalog rule: A Datalog rule p :- q1, ..., qn. is safe
   (1) if every variable that occurs in a negated subgoal also
       appears in a positive subgoal and
   (2) if every variable that appears in the head of the rule also
       appears in the body of the rule.

- Datalog query:

  set of safe Datalog rules with at least one rule defining the answer 
  predicate, which will correspond to the answers of the query.

Query Examples: (These are the queries from problem 6.19 of the
  El-Masri/Navathe text).

(1) Get names of all employees in department 5 who work more than 10
    hours/week on the ProductX project.

    answer(F,M,L) :- employee(F,M,L,S,_,_,_,_,_,5),
                     H >= 10. 

(2) Get names of all employees who have a dependent with the same first
    name as themselves.

    answer(F,M,L) :- employee(F,M,L,S,_,_,_,_,_,_), dependent(S,F,_,_,_).

(3) Get the names of all employees who are directly supervised by
    Franklin Wong.

    answer(F,M,L) :- employee(F,M,L,_,_,_,_,_,S,_),

(4) Get the names of all employees who work on every project.

    temp1(S,P) :- employee(_,_,_,S,_,_,_,_,_,_,), project(_,P,_,_).
    temp2(S,P) :- works_on(S,P,_).
    temp3(S)   :- temp1(S,P), not temp2(S,P).
    answer(F,M,L) :- employee(F,M,L,S,_,_,_,_,_,_), not temp3(S).

(5) Get the names of employees who do not work on any project.

    temp1(S) :- works_on(S,_,_).
    answer(F,M,L) :- employee(F,M,L,S,_,_,_,_,_,_), not temp1(S).

(6) Get the names and addresses of employees who work for at least one
    project located in Houston but whose department does not have a 
    location in Houston.

    temp1(S) :- works_on(S,P,_), project(_,P,'Houston',_).
    temp2(S) :- employee(_,_,_,S,_,_,_,_,_,D), 
                not dept_locations(D,'Houston'). 
    answer(F,M,L,A) :- employee(F,M,L,S,_,A,_,_,_,_), temp1(S), temp2(S).

(7) Get the names and addresses of employees who work for at least one
    project located in Houston or whose department does not have a 
    location in Houston. (Note: this is a slight variation of the
    previous query with 'but' replaced by 'or').

    temp1(S) :- works_on(S,P,_), project(_,P,'Houston',_).
    temp2(S) :- employee(_,_,_,S,_,_,_,_,_,D), 
                not dept_locations(D,'Houston'). 
    answer(F,M,L,A) :- employee(F,M,L,S,_,A,_,_,_,_), temp1(S).
    answer(F,M,L,A) :- employee(F,M,L,S,_,A,_,_,_,_), temp2(S).

(8) Get the last names of all department managers who have no dependents.

    temp1(S) :- dependent(S,_,_,_,_).
    answer(L) :- employee(_,_,L,S,_,_,_,_,_,_),
                 not temp1(S).