CREATE TABLE employee (
  fname    varchar2(15) not null, 
  minit    varchar2(1),
  lname    varchar2(15) not null,
  ssn      char(9),
  bdate    date,
  address  varchar2(30),
  sex      char,
  salary   number(10,2),
  superssn char(9),
  dno      number(4),
  primary key (ssn),
  foreign key (superssn) references employee(ssn)
--  foreign key (dno) references department(dno)

CREATE TABLE department (
  dname        varchar2(15) not null,
  dnumber      number(4),
  mgrssn       char(9) not null, 
  mgrstartdate date,
  primary key (dnumber),
  unique (dname),
  foreign key (mgrssn) references employee(ssn)

alter table employee add (
  foreign key (dno) references department(dnumber)

CREATE TABLE dept_locations (
  dnumber   number(4),
  dlocation varchar2(15), 
  primary key (dnumber,dlocation),
  foreign key (dnumber) references department(dnumber)

CREATE TABLE project (
  pname      varchar2(15) not null,
  pnumber    number(4),
  plocation  varchar2(15),
  dnum       number(4) not null,
  primary key (pnumber),
  unique (pname),
  foreign key (dnum) references department(dnumber)

CREATE TABLE works_on (
  essn   char(9),
  pno    number(4),
  hours  number(4,1),
  primary key (essn,pno),
  foreign key (essn) references employee(ssn),
  foreign key (pno) references project(pnumber)

CREATE TABLE dependent (
  essn           char(9),
  dependent_name varchar2(15),
  sex            char,
  bdate          date,
  relationship   varchar2(8),
  primary key (essn,dependent_name),
  foreign key (essn) references employee(ssn)

DELETE FROM employee;
INSERT INTO employee VALUES ('James', 'E', 'Borg',
        '888665555', '10-NOV-27', 'Houston,TX', 'M', 55000, null, null);
INSERT INTO employee VALUES ('Frank', 'T', 'Wong',
        '333445555', '08-DEC-45', 'Houston,TX', 'M', 40000, '888665555', null);
INSERT INTO employee VALUES ('Jennifer', 'S', 'Wallace',
        '987654321', '20-JUN-31', 'Bellaire,TX', 'F', 43000, '888665555', null);

DELETE FROM department;
INSERT INTO department VALUES ('Research', 5, '333445555', '22-MAY-78');
INSERT INTO department VALUES ('Administration', 4, '987654321', '01-JAN-85');
INSERT INTO department VALUES ('Headquarters', 1, '888665555', '19-JUN-71');

UPDATE employee SET DNO = 5 WHERE ssn = '333445555';
UPDATE employee SET DNO = 4 WHERE ssn = '987654321';
UPDATE employee SET DNO = 1 WHERE ssn = '888665555';

INSERT INTO employee VALUES ('John', 'B', 'Smith',
        '123456789', '09-Jan-55', 'Houston,TX', 'M', 30000, '333445555', 5);
INSERT INTO employee VALUES ('Alicia', 'J', 'Zelaya',
        '999887777', '19-JUL-58', 'Spring,TX', 'F', 25000, '987654321', 4);
INSERT INTO employee VALUES ('Ramesh', 'K', 'Narayan',
        '666884444', '15-SEP-52', 'Humble,TX', 'M', 38000, '333445555', 5);
INSERT INTO employee VALUES ('Joyce', 'A', 'English',
        '453453453', '31-JUL-62', 'Houston, TX', 'F', 25000, '333445555', 5);
INSERT INTO employee VALUES ('Ahmad', 'V', 'Jabbar',
        '987987987', '29-MAR-59', 'Houston,TX', 'M', 25000, '987654321', 4);

DELETE FROM project;
INSERT INTO project VALUES ('ProductX', 1, 'Bellaire',  5);
INSERT INTO project VALUES ('ProductY', 2, 'Sugarland', 5);
INSERT INTO project VALUES ('ProductZ', 3, 'Houston', 5);
INSERT INTO project VALUES ('Computerization', 10, 'Stafford', 4);
INSERT INTO project VALUES ('Reorganization', 20, 'Houston', 1);
INSERT INTO project VALUES ('Newbenefits', 30,  'Stafford', 4);

DELETE FROM dept_locations;
INSERT INTO dept_locations VALUES (1, 'Houston');
INSERT INTO dept_locations VALUES (4, 'Stafford');
INSERT INTO dept_locations VALUES (5, 'Bellaire');
INSERT INTO dept_locations VALUES (5, 'Sugarland');
INSERT INTO dept_locations VALUES (5, 'Houston');

DELETE from dependent;
INSERT INTO dependent VALUES ('333445555','Alice','F','05-APR-76','Daughter');
INSERT INTO dependent VALUES ('333445555','Theodore','M','25-OCT-73','Son');
INSERT INTO dependent VALUES ('333445555','Joy','F','03-MAY-48','Spouse');
INSERT INTO dependent VALUES ('987654321','Abner','M','29-FEB-32','Spouse');
INSERT INTO dependent VALUES ('123456789','Michael','M','01-JAN-78','Son');
INSERT INTO dependent VALUES ('123456789','Alice','F', '31-DEC-78','Daughter');
INSERT INTO dependent VALUES ('123456789','Elizabeth','F','05-MAY-57','Spouse');

DELETE FROM works_on;
INSERT INTO works_on VALUES ('123456789', 1,  32.5);
INSERT INTO works_on VALUES ('123456789', 2,  7.5);
INSERT INTO works_on VALUES ('666884444', 3,  40.0);
INSERT INTO works_on VALUES ('453453453', 1,  20.0);
INSERT INTO works_on VALUES ('453453453', 2,  20.0);
INSERT INTO works_on VALUES ('333445555', 2,  10.0);
INSERT INTO works_on VALUES ('333445555', 3,  10.0);
INSERT INTO works_on VALUES ('333445555', 10, 10.0);
INSERT INTO works_on VALUES ('333445555', 20, 10.0);
INSERT INTO works_on VALUES ('999887777', 30, 30.0);
INSERT INTO works_on VALUES ('999887777', 10, 10.0);
INSERT INTO works_on VALUES ('987987987', 10, 35.0);
INSERT INTO works_on VALUES ('987987987', 30, 5.0);
INSERT INTO works_on VALUES ('987654321', 30, 20.0);
INSERT INTO works_on VALUES ('987654321', 20, 15.0);
INSERT INTO works_on VALUES ('888665555', 20, null);

set echo on
-- 7.19 (a) Retrieve the names of all employees in department
--          5 who work more than 10 hours per week on the
--          'ProductX' project.
select   fname,minit,lname
from     employee,works_on,project
where    ssn = essn and
         pno = pnumber and
         dno = 5 and
         hours > 10 and
         pname = 'ProductX';
-- 7.19 (b) List the names of all employees who have a dependent
--          with the same first name as themselves.
select fname,minit,lname
from   employee,dependent
where  ssn = essn and
       dependent_name = fname;
-- 7.19 (c) Find the names of all employees who are directly supervised
--          by 'Franklin Wong'.
select e.fname,e.minit,e.lname
from   employee e, employee m
where  e.superssn = m.ssn and
       m.fname = 'Franklin' and
       m.lname = 'Wong';
-- 7.19 (d) For each project, list the project name and the total hours
--          per week (by all employees) spent on that project.
select pname,sum(hours) TOTAL_HOURS
from   works_on,project
where  pno = pnumber
group by pname;
-- 7.19 (e) Retrieve the names of all employees who work every
--          project.
select fname,minit,lname
from   employee
where  not exists 
         (select pnumber
          from   project
          where  not exists 
                   (select 7
                    from   works_on
                    where  works_on.essn = employee.ssn and
                           works_on.pno =  project.pnumber));
-- 7.19 (f) Retrieve the names of all employees who do not work
--          on any project.
select fname,minit,lname
from employee
where not exists ( select 7
                   from works_on
                   where essn = ssn);               
-- 7.19 (g) For each department, retrieve the department name
--          and the average salary of all employees working in
--          that department.
select dname,avg(salary) AVERAGE_SALARY
from   employee,department
where  dno = dnumber
group by dname;
-- 7.19 (h) Retrieve the average salary of all female employees.
select avg(salary) AVG_FEMALE_SALARY
from   employee
where  sex = 'F';
-- 7.19 (i) Find the names and addresses of all employees who
--          work on at least one project located in Houston
--          but whose department has no location in Houston.
select fname,minit,lname,address
from employee
where ssn in (select essn
              from works_on,project
              where pno = pnumber and
                    plocation = 'Houston') and
      dno not in (select dnumber
                  from   dept_locations
                  where  dlocation = 'Houston');
-- 7.19 (j) List the last names of all department managers who
--          have no dependents.
select lname
from   employee
where  ssn in (select mgrssn
               from department) and
       ssn not in (select essn
                   from dependent);
set echo on
-- 8.14 (a) For each department whose average employee salary
--          is more than 30000, retrieve the department name and
--          the number of employees working for that department.
select dname, count(*) NUM_EMPS
from   employee,department
where  dno = dnumber
group by  dname
having avg(salary) > 30000;
-- 8.14 (b) Suppose that we want the number of male employees in
--          each department rather than all employees (as in 7.14a)
--          Can we specify this query in SQL? Why or Why not?
select dname,count(*) NUM_MALE_EMPS
from   employee,department
where  dno = dnumber and sex = 'M'
group by  dname
having dname in (
        select dname
        from   employee,department
        where  dno = dnumber
        group by  dname
        having avg(salary) > 30000);