How to capture the screen of an SQL session

The following is a sample file (called hw3.sql) which contains several SQL queries:
set echo on
-- (1) list all agents
select * 
from   agents;
-- (2) List agent names of agents who have supplied 
--     part "p01"
select aname
from agents
where aid in (select aid
              from orders
              where agents.aid = orders.aid and
                    pid = 'p01');
-- (3) list all customers
select * 
from   customers;
set echo off
Once the above file is prepared, you should do the following:
$script hw3.dat
$sqlplus user/password
SQL>start hw2
$<CTRL>-D (to logout from shell)
At this point the file hw3.dat will contain the capture of the SQL session. You must submit this file.