CSc 4710/6710, Spring 2000
Homework Assignments
Homework 1: Due February 3, 2000 (Thursday)
Problems 3.16 and 3.21 from ElMasri/Navathe textbook.
Submit only the ER diagrams.
Homework 2: Due February 17, 2000 (Thursday)
- Apply the ER to Relational schema conversion algorithm to the
solutions of HW1. Submit relational schema diagram (similar to
page 208 of text).
- Problems 7.18 a, b, c, e, f, i, j from ElMasri/Navathe text.
Homework 3: Due February 29, 2000 (Tuesday)
- Create the tables for the COMPANY database in Oracle SQL. Make
sure that all the constraints are enforced. The SQL statements can
be downloaded from the class Web page. Provide a solution with the
least number of changes to the schema given to you.
- After creating the tables, populate the COMPANY database with the data.
Again, the SQL insert statements are given to you in the class
Web page. Provide a solution with fewest changes to the SQL
statements provided to you. DO NOT change the
schema in this problem.
Homework 4: Due March 21, 2000 (Tuesday)
Problems 8.13 and 8.14 from the ElMasri/Navathe text.
Submit a script containing the SQL queries, each followed by its
answers. (
Screen Capture of SQL session))
Homework 5: Due March 30, 2000 (Thursday)
Problems 3.11 and 5.14 of the Sunderraman text. Call your files
port.pc and respectively.