Homework 6 aka Exam 3
Coding Part
- Write a Python program to implement a Turing Machine (TM) simulator.
- Write a Python program to implement a Random Access Machine (RAM) simulator.
Non-coding Part
- Design a TM that performs the "div" operation on "unary" numbers and test it
under the TM Simulator. Here are some sample runs:
ASCSC1PP629W1:hw6 raj$ python3 TM.py div.tm saaaaaaadaaa= Initial Tape: saaaaaaadaaa= 1 ^ Final Tape: saaaaaaadaaa=aa h ^ ACCEPT ASCSC1PP629W1:hw6 raj$ python3 TM.py div.tm saaaaaaadaaaa= Initial Tape: saaaaaaadaaaa= 1 ^ Final Tape: saaaaaaadaaaa=a h ^ ACCEPT ASCSC1PP629W1:hw6 raj$ python3 TM.py div.tm saadaaaa= Initial Tape: saadaaaa= 1 ^ Final Tape: saadaaaa=# h ^ ACCEPT ASCSC1PP629W1:hw6 raj$
- Write a RAM program to check if a positive number is prime.
The input number is assumed to be in register R1 when the program
starts running and the result, 1 if input number is a prime and 0
if the input number is not a prime is placed in register R1 at the end.
Run the program under the RAM Simulator and verify your program.
Here are some sample runs:
ASCSC1PP629W1:hw6 raj$ python3 RAM.py prime.ram Input: R1 ==> 18 R2 ==> 0 R3 ==> 0 R4 ==> 0 Output: R1 = 0 ASCSC1PP629W1:hw6 raj$ python3 RAM.py prime.ram Input: R1 ==> 499 R2 ==> 0 R3 ==> 0 R4 ==> 0 Output: R1 = 1 ASCSC1PP629W1:hw6 raj$
- The following problems have to do with encoding and decoding of TMs.
- Encode the following TMs and determine if their codes are in ALAN or not:
TM 1: 1,3,a,#,r 3,1,b,$,l 3,4,#,a,r TM 2: 1,2,#,$,r 1,3,a,#,r 1,3,b,#,r 3,1,#,a,l 3,3,a,#,r 3,3,b,#,r
- Decode the following code words from CWL and determine if they belong to ALAN or not.
- abaaabaaabaaaabaababbab
- abaabaabba
- Encode the following TMs and determine if their codes are in ALAN or not:
- Using the lambda expressions at
verify the truth table for the logical "and" operation. Please submit the CLI session for the four test cases:
((and true) true) ((and true) false) ((and false) true) ((and false) false)
- Using the lambda expressions at https://tinman.cs.gsu.edu/~raj/lc/startup-aliases.html, verify that 9 - 4 = 5. Please submit the CLI session. For extra credit, how many beta-reduction steps are needed to get the answer?