Useful Classes to Design
As I am developing the solution to Homework 1 Problem 3 (, I am realizing that it
will be useful to modularize the code with the following two classes:
class NFA: def __init__(self,sig,q=set()): self.sigma = sig self.states = q = {} self.start = None = None # getters and setters # convert NFA to DFA def convert_to_dfa(self): pass # to String method def __str__(self): pass class DFA: def __init__(self,sig,q=set()): self.sigma = sig self.states = q = {} self.start = None = None # getters and setters # add state s to DFA def add_state(self,s): pass # add transition (f,c,t) to DFA def add_transition(self,f,c,t): pass # to String method def __str__(self): passIn subsequent homework problems, we can add more methods to implement other Automata algorithms.