import*; import java.util.*; public class Driver { public static void main (String [] args) throws IOException { Relation r=null; boolean done; char ch,ch1; done = false; do { print_menu(); System.out.print("Type in your option:"); System.out.flush(); ch = (char); ch1 = (char); System.out.println(""); switch (ch) { case 'x' : cartesianProduct(r); break; case 'p' : projection(r); break; case 'e' : extendedProjection(r); break; case 's' : selection(r); break; case 'i' : inEvaluate(r); break; case 'n' : notInEvaluate(r); break; case 'c' : r.displaySchema(); break; case 'd' : displayRelation(r); break; case 'r' : removeDuplicates(r); break; case 'q' : done = true; break; default : System.out.println("Type in option again"); } System.out.println(""); } while (!done); } // main static void displayRelation(Relation r) { String rn = readEntry("Relation to display: ").toUpperCase(); Relation s = r.getRelation(rn); s.displayRelation(); } static void removeDuplicates(Relation r) { String rn = readEntry("Relation to purge duplicates from: ").toUpperCase(); Relation s1 = r.getRelation(rn); System.out.println("Relation before removing duplicates"); s1.displayRelation(); s1.removeDuplicates(); System.out.println("Relation after removing duplicates"); s1.displayRelation(); } static void projection(Relation r) { String rn = readEntry("Relation to project: ").toUpperCase(); Relation s1 = r.getRelation(rn); String cols = readEntry("Columns to project on (separate cols by spaces): "); StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(cols); Vector cnames = new Vector(); while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { String cn = st.nextToken().toUpperCase(); cnames.addElement(cn); } Relation s = s1.projection(cnames); s.displayRelation(); } static void extendedProjection(Relation r) { String rn = readEntry("Relation to project: ").toUpperCase(); Relation s1 = r.getRelation(rn); String cols = readEntry("Columns to project on (separate cols by spaces): "); StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(cols); Vector ctypes = new Vector(); Vector cnames = new Vector(); cnames.addElement("12.50"); ctypes.addElement("DECIMAL"); while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { String cn = st.nextToken().toUpperCase(); cnames.addElement(cn); ctypes.addElement("COLUMN"); cnames.addElement("120"); ctypes.addElement("INTEGER"); } cnames.addElement("JustAString"); ctypes.addElement("VARCHAR"); Relation s = s1.extendedProjection(ctypes,cnames); s.displayRelation(); } static void selection(Relation r) { String rn = readEntry("Relation to project: ").toUpperCase(); Relation s1 = r.getRelation(rn); String lopType=null; String lopValue=null; String ropType=null; String ropValue=null; String lop = readEntry("Left Operand: ").trim().toUpperCase(); if (lop.startsWith("'")) { lopType = "str"; lopValue = lop.substring(1,lop.length()-1); } else if ((lop.charAt(0) >= '0') && (lop.charAt(0) <= '9')) { lopType = "num"; lopValue = lop; } else { lopType = "col"; lopValue = lop; } String comparison = readEntry("Comparison: "); String rop = readEntry("Right Operand: ").trim().toUpperCase(); if (rop.startsWith("'")) { ropType = "str"; ropValue = rop.substring(1,rop.length()-1); } else if ((rop.charAt(0) >= '0') && (rop.charAt(0) <= '9')) { ropType = "num"; ropValue = rop; } else { ropType = "col"; ropValue = rop; } Relation s = s1.selection(lopType,lopValue,comparison,ropType,ropValue); s.displayRelation(); } static void inEvaluate(Relation r) { String rn = readEntry("Relation to check for membership: ").toUpperCase(); Relation s1 = r.getRelation(rn); String lop = readEntry("Left Operand: ").trim(); String lopType=null; String lopValue=null; if (lop.startsWith("'")) { lopType = "str"; lopValue = lop.substring(1,lop.length()-1); } else if ((lop.charAt(0) >= '0') && (lop.charAt(0) <= '9')) { lopType = "num"; lopValue = lop; } if (s1.evalIn(lopType,lopValue)) System.out.println(lopValue + " is present in " + rn); else System.out.println(lopValue + " is not present in " + rn); } static void notInEvaluate(Relation r) { String rn = readEntry("Relation to check for non-membership: ").toUpperCase(); Relation s1 = r.getRelation(rn); String lop = readEntry("Left Operand: ").trim(); String lopType=null; String lopValue=null; if (lop.startsWith("'")) { lopType = "str"; lopValue = lop.substring(1,lop.length()-1); } else if ((lop.charAt(0) >= '0') && (lop.charAt(0) <= '9')) { lopType = "num"; lopValue = lop; } if (!s1.evalIn(lopType,lopValue)) System.out.println(lopValue + " is present in " + rn); else System.out.println(lopValue + " is not present in " + rn); } static void cartesianProduct(Relation r) { String rn1 = readEntry("Relation 1: ").toUpperCase(); Relation s1 = r.getRelation(rn1); String rn2 = readEntry("Relation 2: ").toUpperCase(); Relation s2 = r.getRelation(rn2); Relation s = s1.cartesianProduct(s2); s.displayRelation(); } //readEntry function -- to read input string static String readEntry(String prompt) { try { StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); System.out.print(prompt); System.out.flush(); int c =; while(c != '\n' && c != -1) { buffer.append((char)c); c =; } return buffer.toString().trim(); } catch (IOException e) { return ""; } } static void print_menu() { System.out.println(" DBEngine Driver\n"); System.out.println("(x) Cartesian Product"); System.out.println("(p) Projection"); System.out.println("(e) Extended Projection"); System.out.println("(s) Selection"); System.out.println("(i) Evaluate Membership"); System.out.println("(n) Evaluate Non Membership"); System.out.println("(c) Display Catalog (Schema)"); System.out.println("(d) Display Relation"); System.out.println("(r) Remove Duplicates from Relation"); System.out.println("(q) Quit\n"); } }