Phase I: (Due: 25 October, 2004 - Monday)
Electronic submission under Assignment 4
Using JFlex and JCup tools,
build the lexical analyser and parser for the SQL-subset language. Wrap the
parser within an interactive program that behaves as follows:
$ java OurSQL SQL>select pno,pname SQL>from parts; No syntax error SQL>select distinct cname SQL>from customers SQL>where cno in (select cno SQL> from orders SQL> where ono in (select ono SQL> from odetails SQL> where pno in (select pno SQL> from parts SQL> where color = 'Red'))); No syntax error SQL>select cno SQL>from orders SQL>where exists (select ono SQL> from odetails SQL> where odetails.ono = orders.ono and SQL> odetails.pno = 10506) and SQL> exists (select ono SQL> from odetails SQL> where odetails.ono = orders.ono and SQL> odetails.pno = 10507) and; Syntax Error SQL> @q1; select cno from orders where exists (select ono from odetails where odetails.ono = orders.ono and odetails.pno = 10506) and exists (select ono from odetails where odetails.ono = orders.ono and odetails.pno = 10507); No Syntax Error SQL> @q2; select a, b c from r, s where r.a=s.a; Error in line 1, column 13 : Syntax error Error in line 1, column 13 : Couldn't repair and continue parse SQL> select a, b from r, s where r.a = 'aaa' and s.a = r.b; No Syntax Error SQL> exit; $