Csc 4330/6330, Programming Language Concepts (Summer 2020)

Homework 4 (Due: 14 July (Tuesday); Late Submission: 16 July (Thursday))

sudo handin4330 4 hw4.pdf

  1. Draw expression trees for the following λ-expressions:
    1. λx.(x λy.(y x))
    2. λx.λy.((λx.y x p)(λz.z x))
  2. Make all parentheses explicit in the following λ-expressions:
    1. (λp.p z) λq.w λw.w q z p
    2. λp.p q λp.q p
  3. For each of the following terms, identify the free variables in each term and for each bound variable indicate (by drawing an arrow) to the λ to which it is bound.
    1. λs.s z λq.s q
    2. (λs.s z) λq. w λw.w q z s
  4. Apply β-reductions to the folowing λ expressions as much as possible:
    1. (λz.z) (λz.z z) (λz.z q)
    2. (λs.λq.s q q) (λq.q) q
    3. ((λs.s s) (λq.q)) (λq.q)
  5. Consider the following definitions for the booleans "true" and "false" and logical operator "and":
    true = λx.λy.x
    false = λx.λy.y
    and = λb1.λb2.(b1 b2 false)
    Using β-reductions, show that
    1. (and false true) reduces to false
    2. (and true true) reduces to true