Csc 4330/6330, Programming Language Concepts (Summer 2020)
Homework 2 (Due: 23 June (Tuesday); Late submission by 26 June (Friday))
sudo handin4330 2 hw2.pdf [DERIVATION AND PARSE TREE]
Consider the following grammar for "Datalog Atoms" from Homework 1:atom : NAME LPAREN args RPAREN args : args COMMA arg args : arg arg : NUMBER arg : STRING arg : NAME
Write a "left-most" derivation for p(x,20,x,y,"john") and draw the parse tree. - [GRAMMAR]
A JSON expression is one of four types:- STRING
- JSON object, which starts with a left brace (LBRACE), followed by a list of key-value pairs separated by COMMAs and ends with a right brace (RBRACE). The key-value pair has a COLON between the key and the value. The keys are STRINGS enclosed within double-quotes and values can be any JSON expression.
- JSON array, which starts with a left bracket (LBRACKET), followed by a list of JSON expresssions separated by COMMAs, and ends with a right bracket (RBRACKET).
25 "jones" [20, 30, 40] [20,"jones",22] [{"a" : 20},{"b": 30}] { "name" : "John", "age" : 23, "address" : { "street" : "123 main street", "city" : "Atlanta", "state" : "Georgia", "zip" : "30303" }, "phone" : ["111-1234","111-1235"] }
Write a context-free grammar for JSON expressions. Then, input the grammar rules into PLY programs (Lexer, Parser, and Main) and test this. Include the SEMI token at the end of the JSON expression, read from terminal, and call the parse() method. You need not construct a data structure - so you simply do not include the assignment statement that assigns a value into p[0]! However, for the start rule, include the assignment statement that assigns True to p[0]. This way you can check for return value and print a "VALID" or "INVALID" message. Use the main program A sample run is shown below:macbook-pro:json raj$ python3 JSON: 45; VALID JSON: "jones"; VALID JSON: [1,2,3]; VALID JSON: [1,"jones",3]; VALID JSON: {"a":2, "b":5}; VALID JSON: { "street" : "123 main street", "city" : "Atlanta", "state" : "Georgia", "zip" : "30303" }; VALID JSON: [{"a":10},{"b":20}]; VALID JSON: {"a": [1,2,3], "b": [3,4,5]}; VALID JSON: [1,2,,]; Syntax error in input! INVALID JSON: {1,2,3}; Syntax error in input! INVALID JSON: exit;
Consider the WAE grammar from Week 1 lectures:waeStart : wae SEMI wae : NUMBER wae : ID wae : LBRACE PLUS wae wae RBRACE wae : LBRACE MINUS wae wae RBRACE wae : LBRACE TIMES wae wae RBRACE wae : LBRACE DIV wae wae RBRACE wae : LBRACE IF wae wae wae RBRACE wae : LBRACE WITH LBRACE alist RBRACE wae RBRACE alist : LBRACE ID wae RBRACE alist : LBRACE ID wae RBRACE alist
Solve the following two problems independently (i.e. the first attribute grammar may accept what the second attribute grammar rejects and vice versa):- Augment this grammar with attributes, attribute computation functions,
and predicates to reject WAE expressions which contain WITH sub-expressions
with duplicate variable names in their alist. For example, the following
WAE expression should be rejected:
{ + 20 {with {{x 2} {y 4} {x 5}} {+ x y}}}
Note that the WITH sub-expression contains two occurrences of the variable x. - Augment this grammar with attributes, attribute computation functions,
and predicates to reject WAE expressions that cannot be evaluated due to the fact that
variables do not have a value. For example, the following WAE expression should be
{ + 20 {with {{x 2} {y 4}} {+ x z}}}
Note that the variable z does not have a value when you try to evaluate it. HINT: Keep track of "free variables" at each node of the parse tree. A free variable in a sub-expression is one for which there is no value in an outer WITH expression. - Implement both of these attribute grammars in PLY. Modify the code in WAE Code by replacing the third line in each parser function by appropriately assigning values into p[0] to make the checks. The final value returned by the parse() method should be a boolean value, True for accept and False for reject. Use and for the main programs for these two problems.
macbook-pro:with-repeat raj$ python3 WAE: 3; ACCEPT: No Repeated With-Vars WAE: x; ACCEPT: No Repeated With-Vars WAE: {+ 2 3}; ACCEPT: No Repeated With-Vars WAE: {with {{x 3}{y 4}} {+ x y}}; ACCEPT: No Repeated With-Vars WAE: {with {{x 3}{x 4}} {+ x y}}; REJECT: Repeated With-Vars WAE: exit; macbook-pro:cannot-evaluate raj$ python3 WAE: 5; ACCEPT: CAN EVALUATE WAE: x; REJECT: CANNOT EVALUATE WAE: {+ 2 x}; REJECT: CANNOT EVALUATE WAE: {+ 2 3}; ACCEPT: CAN EVALUATE WAE: {+ 2 {with {{x 1}{y 2}} {+ x y}}}; ACCEPT: CAN EVALUATE WAE: {+ 2 {with {{x 1}{y 2}} {+ x z}}}; REJECT: CANNOT EVALUATE WAE: exit;
- Augment this grammar with attributes, attribute computation functions,
and predicates to reject WAE expressions which contain WITH sub-expressions
with duplicate variable names in their alist. For example, the following
WAE expression should be rejected:
Assume that you are given the following two denotational functions:- MB(bool,s), a denotational function that defines the meaning of Boolean expression, bool (maps to True, False, or error)
- MS(stmt,s), a denotational function that defines the meaning of a single statement, stmt (maps to a new state resulting from the execution of the stmt).
if-then-else : IF bool THEN stmt-list ELSE stmt-list stmt-list : stmt stmt-list : stmt SEMI stmt-list
Complete the denotational function definitions for if-then-else and stmt-list:MC(if-then-else,s) =
MSL(stmt-list,s) =
- hw2.pdf containing solutions to problems 1, 3a, 3b, and 4
-,, and containing solution for problem 2, and
- and containing solution for problem 3c. Make sure you include proper import statements. You may use the same Lexer file that is posted at in your solution. Please submit,, and as well so that it is easy for us to run your programs while grading.