new name for an existing type; name of type MUST begin with upper-case letter

In [12]:
type String = [Char]
Use String
Why Not:

Another example for x-y coordinates:

In [19]:
type Pos = (Int,Int)
type Trans = Pos -> Pos
In [14]:
type Element = (Int,Int)
type BinaryRelation = Element -> Bool

Type declarations cannot be recursive; so the following is not allowed:

type Tree = (Int,[Tree])

Type declarations can be parameterized by other types:

In [15]:
type Pair a = (a,a)
(10,10) :: Pair Int
("John","Alice") :: Pair [Char]
In [3]:
type Assoc k v = [(k,v)]
[("John",32),("Alice",22)] :: Assoc [Char] Int
t = [("John",[10,20,30]),("Alice",[1,2,3]),("John",[100,200])] :: Assoc [Char] [Int]
In [16]:
find :: Eq k => k -> Assoc k v -> v
find k t = head [v | (k',v) <- t, k' == k]

find "Alice" t
find "John" t
find "James" t
Prelude.head: empty list
In [17]:
findAll :: Eq k => k -> Assoc k v -> [v]
findAll k t = [v | (k',v) <- t, k' == k]

findAll "Alice" t
findAll "John" t
findAll "James" t


A completely new type can be defined using the data mechanism of Haskell

data Bool = False | True

Here, | is read as "or" and the values are "constructors"; constructors MUST begin with upper-case letters

another example

In [20]:
data Move = North | South | East | West deriving Show

move :: Move -> Pos -> Pos
move North (x,y) = (x,y+1)
move South (x,y) = (x,y-1)
move East  (x,y) = (x+1,y)
move West  (x,y) = (x-1,y)

moves :: [Move] -> Pos -> Pos
moves []     p = p
moves (m:ms) p = moves ms (move m p)

moves [North,West,South,East] (0,0)
Use foldl
moves [] p = p moves (m : ms) p = moves ms (move m p)
Why Not:
moves ms p = foldl (flip move) p ms
In [11]:
rev :: Move -> Move
rev North = South
rev South = North
rev East  = West
rev West  = East

yet another example

Constructors in data declarations may have arguments

In [42]:
data Shape = Circle Float | Rect Float Float deriving (Eq,Ord,Show)
In [43]:
square :: Float -> Shape
square n = Rect n n
In [44]:
area :: Shape -> Float
area (Circle r) = pi * r^2
area (Rect x y) = x * y
In [45]:
area (Circle 3)
In [46]:
area (Rect 2 4)
In [47]:
:type Circle
Circle :: Float -> Shape
In [48]:
:type Rect
Rect :: Float -> Float -> Shape

So, in fact the constructors are actually constructor "functions", but are different from ordinary functions in that these are fully evaluated and are just pieces of data

In [49]:
Circle 3
Rect 1.0 4.0
Circle 3.0
Rect 1.0 4.0

parameterized data declarations

In [22]:
data Maybe a = Nothing | Just a deriving Show

Nothing represents "failure" and Just a represents "success"

In [1]:
safediv :: Int -> Int -> Maybe Int
safediv _ 0 = Nothing
safediv m n = Just (m `div` n)

safehead :: [a] -> Maybe a
safehead [] = Nothing
safehead xs = Just (head xs)
In [ ]:
safediv 12 0
safediv 12 5
safehead []
safehead [1,2,3]
Just 2
Just 1
In [3]:
safehead1 :: [a] -> Maybe a
safehead1 []       = Nothing
safehead1 (x:xs)   = Just x

safehead1 []
safehead1 [1,2,3]
Just 1


(special case of types declare using data) If a new type has a single constructor with a single argument, we can define it as follows:

newtype Nat = N Int

The programmer will have to ensure that no negative numbers are assigned as values to variables of Nat type

So, the question arises on the differences between the following three:

newtype Nat = N Int
type Nat = Int
data Nat = N Int

As the name suggests, newtype creates a new type! whereas type creates an alias for another type. So, in

newtype Nat = N Int

Nat and Int are two different types. So, values cannot be interchangeably used. But in

type Nat = Int

Nat is another name for Int.

The main difference between newtype and data declaration is efficiency in implementation. In a newtype after compile-time checks are made, the compiler would substitute the types at run-time. So, no new constructors need be called at run-time. Whereas in a data declaration, this is not so.


New types declared via data or newtype mechanisms can be recursive.

In [53]:
data Nat = Zero | Succ Nat deriving Show
In [54]:
Succ Zero
Succ (Succ Zero)
Succ (Succ (Succ Zero))
Succ Zero
Succ (Succ Zero)
Succ (Succ (Succ Zero))
In [55]:
nat2int :: Nat -> Int
nat2int Zero     = 0
nat2int (Succ n) = 1 + nat2int n

int2nat :: Int -> Nat
int2nat 0 = Zero
int2nat n = Succ (int2nat (n-1))
In [56]:
nat2int (Succ (Succ (Succ Zero)))
In [57]:
int2nat 4
Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ Zero)))
In [58]:
add :: Nat -> Nat -> Nat
add m n = int2nat (nat2int m + nat2int n)
In [59]:
nat2int (add (Succ (Succ Zero)) (Succ (Succ (Succ Zero))))
In [60]:
add2 :: Nat -> Nat -> Nat
add2 Zero     n = n
add2 (Succ m) n = Succ (add2 m n)
In [61]:
nat2int (add2 (Succ (Succ Zero)) (Succ (Succ (Succ Zero))))
  add2 (Succ (Succ Zero)) (Succ Zero)
= Succ (add2 (Succ Zero) (Succ Zero))
= Succ (Succ (add2 Zero (Succ Zero)))
= Succ (Succ (Succ Zero))
In [62]:
add2 (Succ (Succ Zero)) (Succ (Succ (Succ Zero)))
Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ Zero))))

list structure

In [42]:
data List a = Nil | Cons a (List a)
In [43]:
len :: List a -> Int
len Nil         = 0
len (Cons _ xs) = 1 + len xs
In [44]:
len (Cons 10 (Cons 20 (Cons 30 Nil)))

binary tree structure

In [45]:
data Tree a = Leaf a | Node (Tree a) a (Tree a) deriving Show
In [46]:
t :: Tree Int
t = Node (Node (Leaf 1) 3 (Leaf 4)) 5 
         (Node (Leaf 6) 7 (Leaf 9))
In [47]:
-- not assuming a binary search tree
occurs :: Eq a => a -> Tree a -> Bool
occurs x (Leaf y)     = x == y
occurs x (Node l y r) = x == y || occurs x l || occurs x r
In [48]:
occurs 6 t
occurs 2 t
In [49]:
flatten :: Tree a -> [a]
flatten (Leaf x)     = [x]
flatten (Node l x r) = flatten l ++ [x] ++ flatten r
In [50]:
flatten t
In [51]:
-- assuming a binary search tree
occurs :: Ord a => a -> Tree a -> Bool
occurs x (Leaf y) = x == y
occurs x (Node l y r) 
  | x == y    = True
  | x < y     = occurs x l
  | otherwise = occurs x r
In [52]:
occurs 6 t
occurs 2 t

concluding remark regarding Tree

Trees can come in various forms:

  • binary trees with data only in leaves

data Tree a = Leaf a | Node (Tree a) (Tree a)

  • binary trees with data only in interior nodes

data Tree a = Leaf | Node (Tree a) a (Tree a)

  • binary trees with data of different types in leaves vs interior nodes

data Tree a b = Leaf a | Node (Tree a b) b (Tree a b)

  • general trees (more than 2 child nodes)

data Tree a = Node a [Tree a]