Csc 4330/6330, Programming Language Concepts (Spring 2022)

Homework 6 (Due: 17 April (Sunday))

Late submission deadline: 20 April (Wednesday)

  1. (Date) Complete the definition of the functions that operate on a Date type.
    data Date = Date 
      { month :: Int, 
        day   :: Int,
        year  :: Int
      deriving (Show, Eq)
    -- Note to pattern match a Date value you can use the pattern (Date m d y)
    -- the field names, month, day, and year act like functions; so
    -- month (Date 10 28 1958) = 10
    -- day (Date 10 28 1958) = 28
    -- year (Date 10 28 1958) = 1958
    -- To solve this problem, you may not need these three functions. You can simply use different
    -- variable names in the pattern and access the fields with these variable names.
    -- Every year that is exactly divisible by four is a leap year, 
    -- except for years that are exactly divisible by 100, but these 
    -- centurial years are leap years if they are exactly divisible 
    -- by 400. For example, the years 1700, 1800, and 1900 are not 
    -- leap years, but the years 1600 and 2000 are
    -- returns True if given date is a leap year; false otherwise
    leapYear :: Date -> Bool
    -- returns date of next day for a given date
    tomorrow :: Date -> Date
    -- returns date of previous day for a given date
    yesterday :: Date -> Date
    -- returns date of 1st of next month for a given date
    firstOfNextMonth :: Date -> Date
    -- returns date of 1st of previous month for a given date
    firstOfPreviousMonth :: Date -> Date
    -- Given a positive integer, n, and a date, d, returns the
    -- date for n days after d
    add :: Int -> Date -> Date
    -- Given a positive integer, n, and a date, d, returns the
    -- date for n days before d
    sub :: Int -> Date -> Date
    -- Given two input dates, d1 and d2, returns True if d1 is after d2; False otherwise
    (>>>) :: Date -> Date -> Bool
    -- Given two input dates, d1 and d2, returns True if d1 is same as d2; False otherwise
    (===) :: Date -> Date -> Bool
    -- Given two input dates, d1 and d2, returns True if d1 is before d2; False otherwise
    (<<<) :: Date -> Date -> Bool
    -- Given two dates, returns number of days between the two dates
    daysBetween :: Date -> Date -> Int
  2. (Binary Search Tree) Complete the definition of the functions that operate on a Binary Search Tree type.
    data BST a = Nil | Tree a (BST a) (BST a) deriving Show
    -- Returns number of nodes in the input tree
    sizeBST :: BST Int -> Int
    -- Returns height of input tree (height=length of longest path from root to leaf
    heightBST :: BST Int -> Int
    -- Returns smallest element in tree; returns (maxBound::Int) if input tree is empty
    minBST :: BST Int -> Int
    -- Returns largest element in tree; returns (minBound::Int) if input tree is empty
    maxBST :: BST Int -> Int
    -- given a number and a BST returns True if number in BST; False otherwise
    memberBST :: Int -> BST Int -> Bool
    -- Given a number and a BST, returns the new tree obtained by inserting number in BST
    -- If number already exists in BST then return same tree
    insertBST :: Int -> BST Int -> BST Int
    -- Given a number and a BST, returns the new tree obtained by deleting number from BST
    -- If number does not exist in BST then return same tree
    deleteBST :: Int -> BST Int -> BST Int
    toString:: BST Int -> Int -> String
    toString t n = case t of
      Nil                 -> "Nil\n" 
      (Tree x left right) -> replicate n ' ' ++ show x ++ "\n" ++ 
                             toString left  (n+2) ++ 
                             toString right (n+2)

What to Submit?

  • date.hs
  • bst.hs