Csc 4330/6330, Programming Language Concepts (Spring 2020)
Home Quiz 4 (Due: April 29, Wednesday)
Handin under assignment hq4 (sudo handin4330 hq4 Matrix.scala SongLyrics.scala)There are two Scala Programs to complete in this home quiz.
In this problem, you will write functions to perform the following matrix operations:- Transpose
- Matrix Multiplication
- Determinants (for extra credit)
val m5 = List(List(1,2,3,4),List(2,3,5,6),List(7,1,2,4))represents the matrix:
1 2 3 4 2 3 5 6 7 1 2 4Here are the starter files. You need to complete the functions in Matrix.scala. I have documented the functions and several of these are helper functions which I found useful in my solution. You may choose to implement these, but if you come up with other ways to solve transpose, matrixMultiply, and determinant, then you may delete any helper functions that you do not use and include your own helper functions. Make sure Driver program produces correct answer.
Here is a sample run:
macbook-pro:files raj$ scala Driver List(3, 6) List(List(2, 3), List(5, 6)) List(List(1, 4), List(2, 5), List(3, 6)) List(List(19, 22), List(43, 50)) List(List(36, 17, 29, 42), List(66, 35, 59, 84)) -306 14 99 0
In this problem you will read a text file containing the lyrics of a song (assume no blank lines in the lyrics) and store each word that appears in the song in a map whose key is the word and the value is a list of positions where the word appears in the lyric (starting at 1). If the word appears at the end of a line, you should store the negative of the position to indicate end of line. Then, using the map you will produce the following output:- display the map
- display the lyrics
- Total number of unique words in the song
- Most frequent word (if there is a tie, display any one of them)
What have I What have I What have I done to deserve thisand here is a sample run of the program:
macbook-pro:hq4 raj$ scala SongLyrics song1.txt Map: THIS [-13] HAVE [2, 5, 8] I [-3, -6, 9] DONE [10] WHAT [1, 4, 7] TO [11] DESERVE [12] Song: WHAT HAVE I WHAT HAVE I WHAT HAVE I DONE TO DESERVE THIS The number of unique words in the lyric is: 7 Most frequent word: HAVEHere is the starter file in which I have already written some functions. You need to complete the incomplete functions. Also two sample song files are given.
The functions in this assignment are self explanatory; so I have not given any explanations. The input parameters and the output types should give you a clear picture of what the functions are supposed to do.