CSc 3320 System-Level Programming
Summer 1999
Homework #3
Due: 21 July 1999 (Wednesday)

Write the code for the following functions: 

Suppliers (supps.c)

void makenull_supp(Snodeptr suppliers[]);
int member_supp(struct supp_element_type x, Snodeptr suppliers[], 
                Snodeptr *s);
int insert_supp(struct supp_element_type x, Snodeptr suppliers[]);
void print_suppliers(Snodeptr suppliers[]);

Parts (parts.c)

void makenull_part(Pnodeptr *parts);
int member_part(struct part_element_type x, Pnodeptr parts, 
                Pnodeptr *p);
int delete_part(struct part_element_type x, Snodeptr suppliers[],
                Pnodeptr *parts);
void print_parts(Pnodeptr parts);
void delete_all_supply_for_part(Pnodeptr q, Snodeptr suppliers[],
                                Pnodeptr *parts);

Supply (sp.c)

int delete_supply(struct supp_element_type x,
                  struct part_element_type y,
                  Snodeptr suppliers[],
                  Pnodeptr *parts);
int print_suppliers_given_part(struct part_element_type x,
                               Pnodeptr parts);
int print_parts_given_supplier(struct supp_element_type x,
                               Snodeptr suppliers[]);
void print_supply(Snodeptr suppliers[], Pnodeptr parts);

Submit a listing of all the files and keep the executable
file in {\tt db}.
You should download the following files and add code to them to complete your assignment.