CSc 3210
Computer Organization and Programming
Fall 1998 
Solutions to Quiz 3.

1. Write a procedure that will take a SIGNED NUMBER in AX
   and multiply it by 320. The result should be in AX.
   Make sure that the status of other registers you use are
   saved and restored.

   mul320 proc near
     push bx
     push cx
     mov bx,ax
     mov cl,8
     sal ax,cl
     mov cl,6
     sal bx,cl
     add ax,bx
     pop cx
     pop bx
   mul320 endp

2. Assume that AL= 9B, CL = 03, and CF=1 BEFORE EACH of the following
   instruction is executed. What will the contents of AL be after each 
   instruction has executed. Write your answer in HEX.

     SHL AL,CL    AL = D8

     SHR AL,1     AL = 4D

     SAR AL,CL    AL = F3

     ROR AL,CL    AL = 73

     RCL AL,1     AL = 37