CSc 343 Computer Organization and Assembly Programming
Spring 1998
DUE: FRIDAY, December 11.

Write an assembly program, called HIDE, which takes a file specifier as
command line input. The file specifier may be a single file name or a
wildcard filename such as *.ASM. The program makes all the files matching
the file specification hidden files. Only files in the current directory
are affected. The program should list the names of all files that have
been hidden. Some sample runs of the program are given below: 

a:> hide *.asm
The following files have been hidden:

a:> hide a1.asm
The following files have been hidden:

If no file meets the specification, the following message should be written:

a:> hide *.cc
No files match the specification.

Write a similar program, called UNHIDE, which unhides hidden files
matching the file specification. 

An interesting application of these two programs is to delete all but one
file (or one type of files) in a directory. One could hide the file that
is to be kept, then delete all files using wildcard specificatiuon, and
then unhide the file.

The following DOS 21h services are required for this problem:

4Eh  Find first matching file

4Fh  Find next matching file

1Ah  Set Disk Transfer Address

43h  Get/Set File attribute