Chapter 7 Behavior Control

Previous chapter
  sensor-motor wiring
  reactive behavior

This chapter - more complex behaviors/tasks.

Behavior-based control
A different way to structure programs: instead of looking at
sensor values and using them to provide input to motors, focus the
design of programs based on number and type of behavior.

e.g. Corral exiting behavior:
  cruise (in absence of obstacles/light)
  avoid obstacles (if present)
  seek light (if present)

See figure on page 160

3 behaviors:


Each of these 3 behaviors output a triple:
  Yes/No, Translate Speed, Rotate Speed
Yes: behavior has a recommendation
No: no recommendation (e.g. when no light is detected, no

Arbitrate module: decides what to do based on recommendations.
We will choose simple arbitration: using priorities
In this example:
  Highest priority - SeekLight
  Middle priority - Avoid
  Lowest priority - Cruise

from myro import *

cruiseSpeed = 0.8
turnSpeed = 0.8
lightThresh = 80

def cruise():
    return [True, cruiseSpeed, 0]

def avoid():
    L, R = getIR()
    L = 1 - L
    R = 1 - R

    if L:
        return [True, 0, -turnSpeed]
    elif R:
        return [True, 0, turnSpeed]
        return [False, 0, 0]

def seekLight():
    L, C, R = getLight()

    if L < lightThresh:
        return [True, cruiseSpeed/2.0, turnSpeed]
    elif R < lightThresh:
        return [True, cruiseSpeed/2.0, -turnSpeed]
        return [False, 0, 0]

behaviors = [seekLight, avoid, cruise]

def arbitrate():
    for behavior in behaviors:
        output, T, R = behavior()
        if output:
            return [T, R]

def main():
    while True:
        T, R = arbitrate()
        move(T, R)


Names and returns values 

Python names used for functions
Lists to store objects (e.g. pictures)
List of function names (objects)!

behaviors = [seekLight, avoid, cruise]
for behavior in behaviors:
  output, L, R = behavior()

Note: There is no function called behavior in the
program! the variable behavior is used to denote
one of the 3 functions that are defined in the program.

Each of the functions returns a list of values.

Python Math library
Library of useful pre-built functions are called APIs -
Application Programming Interface

from math inport *

ceil(x) - returns smallest integer greater or equal to x
floor(x) - returns greatest integer less than or equal to x
exp(x) - returns e to the power x
log(x) - returns natural log of x
log10(x) - returns base-10 of log of x
log(x,base) - returns log of x with respect to base
pow(x,y) - returns x to the power y
sqrt(x) - returns square root of x

import math
This version of import is useful if two functions in different
libraries have the same name!!

Doing Calculations

Loan Calculator Program:
See formula on Page 168 for Monthly payment

# Page 170
from math import *

def main():
    # First, note the cost of the car (Cost),
    Cost = input("Enter the cost of the car: $")

    # the amount of money you have saved (Cash),
    Cash = input("Enter the amount of money you saved: $")

    # and the sales tax rate (TaxRate) (6% e.g.)
    SalesTaxRate = 6.0

    # Also, note the financials: the interest rate (APR),
    # and the term of the loan (Term)
    # The interest rate quoted is generally the annual
    # percentage rate (APR)
    APR = input("Enter the APR for the loan (in %): ")

    # Input the term of the loan (Term)
    term = input("Enter length of loan term (in months): ")

    # Convert it (APR) to monthly rate (divide it by 12) (MR)
    # also divide it by 100 since the value input is in %
    MR = APR/12.0/100.0

    # Next, compute the sales tax you will pay (SalesTax)
    SalesTax = Cost * SalesTaxRate / 100.0

    # Use the money left to make a down payment (DownPayment)
    DownPayment = Cash - SalesTax

    # Then determine the amount you will borrow (LoanAmount)
    LoanAmount = Cost - DownPayment

    # Plug in all of the values in the formula and compute
    # the monthly payment (MP)
    MP = (LoanAmount * MR) / (1.0 - exp(-term * log(1.0+MR)))

    # Also, compute the total cost of the car. (TotalCost)
    TotalCost = SalesTax + DownPayment + MP * term

    # Output all the results
    print "Here are the details about your new car..."
    print "------------------------------------------"
    print "Money you have saved $", Cash
    print "Cost of the car $", Cost
    print "Sales Tax rate is", SalesTaxRate, "%"
    print "Sales Tax on the car $", SalesTax
    print "Your down payment will be $", DownPayment
    print "You will be borrowing $", LoanAmount
    print "A", term, "month loan at", APR, "% APR"
    print "Your monthly payment will be $", MP
    print "Total cost will be $", TotalCost


Run above program with following values:

Saved Money = 5500
Cost of car: 20000
Sales Tax: 6%
Term of loan = 36 months
Interest Rate: 6.9% APR

Notice Output: 
  Monthly Payment $484.052914723
  Total Cost = 22925.90493

How do we format these values with 2 decimal points?

Formatting Output

String formatting:

String % expression

"Value of PI = %5.3f" % (math.pi) # right justified
"Value of PI = %-5.3f" % (math.pi) # left justified
"Value of PI = %1.3f" % (math.pi) # right justified total spaces = 1!!
"Hello %10s, how are you?" % "Arnold" # right justified
"Hello %-10s, how are you?" % "Arnold"  # left justified
"My age is %3d years" % 25

Output formatted Loan Program
# Output all the results
    print "Here are the details about your new car..."
    print "------------------------------------------"
    print "Money you have saved $%1.2f" % Cash
    print "Cost of the car $%1.2f" % Cost
    print "Sales Tax rate is %1.2f%%" % SalesTaxRate
    print "Sales Tax on the car $%1.2f" % SalesTax
    print "Your down payment will be $%1.2f" % DownPayment
    print "You will be borrowing $%1.2f" % LoanAmount
    print "A %2d month loan at %1.2f%% APR" % (term, APR)
    print "Your monthly payment will be $%1.2f" % MP
    print "Total cost will be $%1.2f" % TotalCost

Decision Making in Computer Programs
Any problem is solvable using
  Sequential execution
  decision making (if-elif-else...)
  repetition (for-loop, while-loop)

Rock-Paper-Scissors Game:

Main algorithm:

# Computer makes a selection
# User is asked for his/her selection
# Decide who won or draw
# Inform player of decision

items = ["Paper","Scissors","Rock"]

Computer's selection (my):

x = randint(0,2)
myChoice = items[x]


myChoice = items[randint(0,2)]

Player's selection (your):

yourChoice = askQuestion("Pick an item.",items)

How to decide who won?

if both picked same item then it is a draw
if myChoice beats yourChoice then I win
else You win

if (myChoice == yourChoice):
  print "It is a draw"
if (myChoice == "Paper" and yourChoice == "Rock") or
   (myChoice == "Scissors" and yourChoice == "Paper") or
   (myChoice == "Rock" and yourChoice == "Scissors")
  print "I win"
  print "You win"

Full Program:
includes a function beats(me,you)

# A program that plays the game of Paper, Scissors, Rock!
from myro import *
from random import randint

def beats(me, you):
    # Does me beat you? If so, return True, False otherwise.
    if me == "Paper" and you == "Rock":
        # Paper beats rock
        return True
    elif me == "Scissors" and you == "Paper":
        # Scissors beat paper
        return True
    elif me == "Rock" and you == "Scissors":
        # Rock beats scissors
        return True
        return False

def main():
    # Play a round of Paper, Scissors, Rock!
    print "Lets play Paper, Scissors, Rock!"
    print "In the window that pops up, make your selection>"
    items = ["Paper", "Scissors", "Rock"]
    # Computer and Player make their selection...
    # Computer makes a selection
    myChoice = items[randint(0, 2)]

    # Player makes a selection
    yourChoice = askQuestion("Pick an item.", items)
    # inform Player of choices
    print "I picked", myChoice
    print "You picked", yourChoice

    # Decide if it is a draw or a win for someone
    if myChoice == yourChoice:
        print "We both picked the same thing."
        print "It is a draw."
    elif beats(myChoice, yourChoice):
        print "Since", myChoice, "beats", yourChoice, "..."
        print "I win."
        print "Since", yourChoice, "beats", myChoice, "..."
        print "You win."

    print "Thank you for playing. Bye!"


Modify the program to play several rounds; keep track of
score; at end print the scores.